Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The 80s, Fairies, and Emps

I have no pictures from the weekend. How did that happen? I played a lot, too. I meant to get pictures from the Icey 80's team, but somehow I didn't, and I guess there wasn't much else picture-worthy.

Sunday was fun.... But. I'll admit to being pretty out of it most of the time. Fyre and Will kept me up until 5am Saturday night. No, that's not an exaggeration. Saturday night turned into a marathon RP session. Fyre and Will each reveled more of their deep, dark pasts. Of course, Fyre didn't do so easily, though she did end up saying more than she has before.

So by the time Sunday rolled around, I'd had less than 5 hours of sleep, and I was a bit sick and distracted. Luckily, I'd already chosen a name and powersets, though I did have to redo her costume.... and then I had to redo the character again because I typoed "Crystal" like I just did now, too, as "Cyrstal." "Crystal" and "Hail" both came up as synonyms for "ice." She was almost "Crystal Gale," but I just couldn't do that to myself or her. I chose "mutant" as her origin, though I did get a bit stuck there. I haven't written her bio yet, but I picture her as very different before the groups "accident." She said she was an education major who was going to be an English teacher. I imagine her as very quiet and introverted before the accident. Her roommate made her go along on the trip, and she probably didn't know the others well. The accident caused her mutant abilities to come out, and changed her physical appearance (hence, blue hair, because everyone knows that weird colored hair means you're a mutant). The new abilities gave her new confidence, but she'll lapse back into the quiet, timid girl she was occasionally (which gives a good excuse to my distraction this past Sunday).

I'm happy with her "80's" outfit. Fingerless gloves, and I'm pretty sure I saw the rest of the outfit in at least two videos and a Madonna movie. Hi-Pressure (forgive me if I'm confusing the name) had leg-warmers They call them "baggy socks," or something silly in the costume creator, but they're obviously leg-warmers. They were perfect. Sleetsquall's costume was absolutely 80s. I mean, wow. Really.

Maurelle Ferrishyn, my punk rock empath fairy... er, fae is 17. I can keep Fortitude up on 2 people 90% of the time, as long as I remember who I hit last. Yes, I have more than occasionally set Healing Aura on auto. That way, I can concentrate on Clear Mind, Heal Other, and Fortitude, and maybe even throw an attack in once in awhile. Due to endurance issues, that last is unlikely. As long as I am still doing something, though, and not just "auto-heal-aura-follow," I feel okay with it. Emping is hard work, though. Mo will be quiet during missions, because I can't type between attacks. If there are 3 or more other people (approximately, and depending on the complexity of the mission) I don't look at the mission. I have no idea where I am. I hardly know what we're fighting. All I'm doing is staring at health bars and buff bars in the team window. I'm a multi-tasker. Running any other character, I'm monitoring the Help channel, talking on the phone, sending tells, reading a book, talking to someone else in the house, petting the dog, something. With the emp, I'm emp'ing. That's it. And, yeah, I feel guilty if someone dies. I may be putting too much pressure on myself, or that may be what it takes to be a good emp.

Lorelei got her Phantasm. But just barely. And I played her on a big, chaotic team both times I ran her after she got it, so I haven't had time to see how well, or how badly, it's doing. Sometime this week I'll run her solo to see how well it works.

1 comment:

JD said...

Hi! I know what you mean about Emps. Morrow Project is a lot of fun for me as I can really help people by buffing them up and keeping them powered, but the concentration required really wears me out after about 1-2 hours. It's really hard to follow the action and I've found myself just following the status bars and praying I keep the buffing in a order so someone is not missed, or buffed twice when they don't have to be. That being said, Emps are AWESOME. I haven't had to blip the heal button once when I've buffed the group. They plow through things like a hot knife through warm butter. being able to add Recovery Aura really makes for a load of firepower, but like you pointed out, it is WORK to keep things up and running. That being said, I like Maurelle. Good luck with her. :)