Friday, September 26, 2008


First, Trina (Alastrina Sylvanie, Will Power/Super Strength/Energy Mastery) hit 50 Wednesday evening on an Invincible Imperious Task Force run.

Invincible? Yes, and it was fun as hell. I don't think it would work with every team make up, both AT-wise and player-wise. There were somewhere around 50 deaths. Trina died... three times, I think. Once with about 3 groups of enemies around her, and once pulling the healing Nictus off of Romulus. There was one crazy controller who was the leader and organizer who died more than a few times, and another controller who spent a good portion of the TF dead. We almost had a wipe at the Phalanx, but I self-rezzed, popped SoW and Rage at the same time and knocked out its last few HPs.

I pulled Cass out for awhile the other day and played her long enough to get to 48. She doesn't even have all her SOs replaced with IOs. I did some of that, but she needs another respec, because the last few levels I was getting frustrated and picking powers almost randomly. Stealth sounded like a fun choice. But it's pointless, and I can find something at least a little better, even if I just go with the first two powers from the Fighting pool for the 47 and 49 choices. Or maybe Conserve Power and Focused Accuracy. Or maybe Caltrops. Okay, maybe Caltrops isn't the best choice, but it could be fun.

I spent a few hours updating the Night-Watch's base. I finally took the time to figure out what I needed to do to add a Rez Ring and more Teleporters. I added Perez, Brickstown, Croatoa, and Peregrine Island to the teleporters, in addition to the Steel Canyon, Independence Port, The Hollows, and Crey's Folly that we had. I want to switch PI to something else, because by the time you need to go there, you should have the Ouroboros teleporter available. I'd like to switch it to the RWZ, since it has limited access points, but we don't have the beacon for it. I really thought I'd gotten all the Exploration badges with Trina, in SG mode, and so we should have the beacon, but we don't. I plan to go back over them sometime soon, but as of yet, I haven't. I wonder if there IS a beacon for the RWZ, since it's supposed to be locked-down by the Vanguard? Something I'll have to check on. I had to move some rooms around to fit the new Teleporter Room and the Medical room, and just for the hell of it, I added a "meeting" room. Mostly just because I liked the special SG meeting tables. The base is a little bit of a maze now when you first go in, because the layout is different. I still make some wrong turns, even though I was the one who did the layout. But, then, everyone knows how good my sense of direction is. Also, to improve the Rez ring to the next step up, we need the SG healing badge (I think), so I've been trying to run Evan and even Blaze on PuGs to work on that. It's a bit off yet, though. I'd say we're about 3/5 of the way to the badge. (Actually, now that I look at Paragonwiki, it's the second healing badge, which we're no where near.)

Otherwise, it's been RP-week, aside from my usual PuGs. Which is a welcome change, especially compared to my usual PuGs. Nothing too Earth-shattering. This week. So far. But, it's still been fun.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I see your lolcat:

And raise a chihuahua: