Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Altitis Strikes Again

So, my latest fit of reverse-altitis is cured. In the past three weeks, I've created three new alts:
Serene Jade, a Martial Arts/Willpower scrapper because of the Ninja Pack
Enigma Artifice, a Traps/AR defender because I wanted to try Traps
DazzlingManipulation, a Mind/Empathy controller because I couldn't sleep.

Dazzle's name was too long by one letter, and I could have either tried something else, or just smooshed it all together. I smooshed.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Don't Take It Personal, Or Why No One's Leveling

The only levels I've gotten in the past couple of weeks are just a few random Trick Or Treating induced levels (that I haven't added to the list yet, because they need trained) or maybe one or two Task Force levels. Why? Because I've been playing Eve Hex (Spines/Dark Armor Scrapper) almost exclusively.

She's not the most survivable or the most damaging scrapper ever, but it's a good mix between the two. She tears through minions like they don't exist, and with the "no bosses solo" option, that's more than good enough. I've been playing her at x5 without breaking a sweat, and I really should go higher with that, especially seeing as how I typically pull two or three groups together. (Does that make it x10 or x15?) I've been running her through a lot of radio missions for drops. She only has a couple of sets, but quite a few uniques, like the Numina and Miracle uniques, and the Performance Shifter +endurance-- Spines/Dark Armor is very hard on endurance, so some of that was almost necessary. Fyre still has almost 2 billion influence, even after buying Eve some of those uniques, so I could buy more sets and things for Eve from that, but I'm trying to have Eve earn her own. I've done pretty much everything the game has to offer by now (except the LRSF), so setting some goals like that, and like having Fyre hit the influence cap, keeps me interested. Unfortunately, she seems to have terrible luck on drops, especially recipes, so it's taking awhile. Luckily, I have the time and, so far, the interest.

The time I've devoted to Eve is pretty odd when you factor in a few things. First, scrappers are not actually my favorite AT, even though I do have a few of them... but, then, I have a lot of alts and I favor hero-side, so I have a lot of most things. (Except tanks. *yawn*)

Second, I hate spines... or, I guess, I hated spines. They're ugly, even with the power customization, and I hate the noises. Especially Quills. Every time I'm in Wentworths, and some moron has left his/her Quills toggle on, it drives me up the wall, half the time to the point where I take my headphones off so I can't hear it. I've always hated that noise. It ranks only slightly below the puking noise from Pocket D and the poison trap as the sound I hate the most in the game. But, uh, it's a pretty useful power. The metal spines do help a lot with the look, and also with Cloak of Darkness, I can't see them at all. I can't see anything at all except for a transparent cloud of darkness. Another friend with a spines/dark has asked me, twice, why I haven't changed Cloak of Darkness so that you can actually see the character. My answer was because being a cloud of barely perceptible evil fits the character.

And that's the other reason why it's surprising that I've devoted so much time to Eve. She was never meant to be an RP character. She was never even meant to be a serious character, or one that lasted that long. I got to play around on Test a little before open beta, and I thought the metal spines looked kind of nifty. When beta went to open, I made a Spines/Dark because I don't like repeating myself from Test to Live, expecting that I would never want to use a Live character slot for it. As soon as I made the character, I knew I was wrong. I liked how it looked, and I immediately had a character concept pop into mind. That day, I made the character on Live to get a headstart for when power customization went live. Still, I expected it to just be something to amuse me when nothing else interesting was going on. But I kept liking it, and the character concept got clearer, until I actually wrote a bio. And she leveled fast. And then Vagz and I decided to pair her for a few missions with the Vagabond character. That was... three weeks ago? And that's pretty much the only duo we've played since.

Her bio isn't very complex:
A creation of pure, malevolent black magic, Eve was created by a sorcerer to kill his enemies. However, very shortly after her creation, the sorcerer was killed by those enemies, before he could continue Eve's instructions. MAGI was called to clear the sorcerer's more dangerous experiments, and found Eve. MAGI has, so far, been able to control her and overcome her origin, but no one knows for how long.
So, yeah. She wants to kill everyone, to one degree or another, but in a very impersonal way. Yes, she wants to kill you, but that doesn't make you special or interesting to her, at all. The more powerful or the more magic, the more she wants to kill, and maybe the more interested it makes her. But, MAGI... "helped" her by giving her a chain that binds her from harming everyone but villains. (Hey, it's magic. Let's just say a wizard did it, and move on. Though I do have an origin story for the chain floating around that I'll get around to polishing and posting.) Without that immediate urge overwhelming everything else, her personality has been allowed to expand, and her knowledge and experience has grown. The homicidal urge has been suppressed, but it's important to note that it's still there. It's just easier for her to ignore, some times more than others.

Eve is one of the more interesting characters I've played, mostly because she absolutely has a mind of her own. Her decisions and her actions are her own, not things I plan for or really have a lot of say in. Though, it should be noted, that she is just a creation of mine, and I am completely aware of that. I would rein her in if things got out of hand in one way or another, or became detrimental to game play, or anything like that. But, she's interesting because the character does and say things I wouldn't expect or wouldn't even think of. I've had characters (mostly deleted) that had similar concepts or similar bits of concepts, but it seems like this time everything just clicked together.

So, chances are good that none of my characters will be gaining notable levels within the near future.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Double XP

It was pretty well-known that another double XP weekend was going to happen after i16 was launched to make up for some screw-up during last double XP weekend. Now, of course, they're saying it's to "celebrate the launch of i16." Whatever, I guess. And, kind of oddly, this time, it starts on a Thursday. So, Thursday, October 8th through Sunday, October 11th. Cancel your real world plans now. Except for the ones you can't. I'll miss all day Saturday, but that extra Thursday makes up for it for me.

Friday, September 18, 2009


The SyFy channel's "Destination Truth" hunts for a Caribbean Lusca (I didn't even know that was an actual alleged thing) in the second half of the show. The first half with the dolls is pretty interesting, too, but doesn't relate to the game.

Friday, September 11, 2009

2 Billion

Remember when that was a lot of influence?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Invisible Robots of Death

From the Test Server patch notes for 9/4/09:
"Dimension Shifting a Malta Hercules as it is Merging will no longer result in invisible robots of death roaming the world."

I can't be the only one disappointed that they fixed it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Costume Selection Glitch

I don't even know what that is. Some kind of Rikti something. And, yes, I minimized my chat window, just for the screenshot. No, I don't play with it like that.

Monday, August 24, 2009


I haven't posted pictures for a long time, so here's a bunch of random ones.

Lord Nemesis does not approve this post.

Random Drop Ship explosion from the Virtue event... well, I'd tell you when, but I can't decipher the dates in the new screenshot format, that I hate.

The Shadow Shard

Jez, listening to Vanguard lecture.

Mo, wondering who "they" are.

VEATs vs. Malta

Silence and Andy after they defeated Hro-whateverhisnameis

My elec/elec brute, Darkened Hex, with her patron and his peeps.

Perez glitch

Looks like it hurt, doesn't it?

This is Pocket D's idea of an appropriate band for the VIP lounge.

Looks like it hurt, doesn't it?

No, really. Don't look behind you.

Looks like it's going to hurt, doesn't it?

Current Events

So, I hate the post-AE market. Still. Prices fluctuate too much, for one thing. 1,000 one minute, 100,000 the next. I put in low bids and let things sit. I'm much too impatient for things like this. On the other hand, Fyre's about over 1.5 billion influence. Mostly from merits from raids and TFs, and either saving for expensive recipes, or, lately because I've been bored and it amuses me, doing random rolls and selling whatever I get. The thing is, though, it's a billion, right? But, now, that's just a set and a half of purples or so. I'm glad I bought all of Fyre's purples when they were *coughgigglecough* reasonably priced. I'll wait until she hits two billion, take a screenshot, and then start distributing among alts and such.

Also, even aside from the market, I still despise the AE. I used to PuG a lot. Now, there's practically no such thing. I won't even start a new character, even though I do have an empty slot on Virtue and two characters I'm contemplating deleting. The forums have had lots of threads on the AE and it's impact on the game. My favorites are the threads where people complain about the lack of teaming outside the AE, and/or the poor quality of teammates who leveled up in AE farms, and then get laughed at by people who say it hasn't done anything bad to the game... and then go on to say they only solo or play with their SG.

Aside from my continued, all-encompassing hatred of the AE, I have done some leveling. I have an elec/elec brute I started as an experiment who's now level 43. And, yes, let me say right out, she has leveled some from AE farms. Because sometimes, that's the only thing available, and I get very bored very quickly soloing. There was a KiTTY AE arc, not farm, night that got her several levels, and a couple of farms, and more than a few SFs, including the ITF (ISF? Whatever.) Red-side, it's absolutely impossible to find a "real" team. I've been planning on re-rolling (THERE IS NO ROLLING) Angel Noir, again, as fire/dark instead of dark/dark, but I hate the thought of trying to get her up in level again.

I will say, though, that brute is a lot of fun. Squishy. Very squishy, which at some point I'd like to see if I can help a bit with some sets, but lots of fun. Electric armor's getting a buff in i16, too, a power called Energize will become the new Conserve Power, and it'll have a heal and a regen buff to it. That might help. I'll wait and see before I judge it. I know it exists and I've seen the current numbers, but I'll wait to see how it actually works, and what it is when it finally gets to Live.

I am looking forward to i16. Roxi Toxic (currently level 18 rad/rad defender) will be re-rolled (THERE IS N.. aw, forget it) yet again as a rad/ blaster. Probably rad/fire from what I've been looking at. That's about the 12th incarnation of poor Roxi. Maybe this one will stick. Andromeda Balan, my fire/kin, will have awesome looking imps. Jade Arcana, my energy/energy blaster, will have energy blasts that match her name. Earl, Blaze Noir's Dark Servant, is going to be awesome-looking. And Mo's empathy auras will be... bright pink.

I have no opinion on the "Super Sidekicking" scheme at the moment. I'll wait and see how that works out, though I am curious about it. I think most people are not sure about it yet, but I haven't paid that much attention. I'm much more concerned about all the pretty colors.

Oh, right. The two characters I've been thinking of deleting are dom-Fyre and my PB, Constant Star. Dom Fyre because 1) technically, the character does not exist anymore. Fyre has been LONG gone from the Isles. 2) Doms don't excite me. The damage is kind of meh and the holds are also kind of meh, unless Domination is up. Sure, I could work on a perma-dom, but that takes a lot of planning and a LOT of infamy, and I'm just not that interested. Also, red-side. Still, not my favorite. My Bane's 48, and can easily take over for anything I'd need a high-level red-side character for, not to mention the brute that's coming up.

The PB is level 47, and I haven't even logged her in for over two months. Light Form is awesome. I mean, awesome. Everything else is pretty meh. I cannot imagine anyone ever saying, "You know what this team needs? A Peacebringer." I would much rather play one of my scrappers or a blaster.

However. They're both hanging around, and have been for awhile now, because I dread the idea of leveling something up in AE land.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


This is mostly for my own reference, because I don't feel like writing them down, or copying to something else and printing. The list came off the forum, from a post by Back Alley Brawler, and is every emote currently in the game. Obviously, you have to type "/e" "/em" or ";" before the word in-game to make it work.

Return to Neutral
  • None

Regular Emotes
  • Lecture
  • Explain
  • Disagree
  • Roar
  • AFK
  • Newspaper
  • Frustrated
  • Drat
  • Shucks
  • Sleep
  • AssumePositionWall
  • AlaKazam
  • AlaKazamReact
  • Akimbo
  • Wings
  • Angry
  • Attack
  • BatSmash
  • BatSmashReact
  • Backflip
  • Binoculars
  • Crouch
  • BigWave
  • OverHere
  • Flip
  • Research
  • ResearchLow
  • Down
  • Bowdown
  • Bow
  • Sorry
  • FancyBow
  • ElegantBow
  • Praise
  • Camera
  • Cellphone
  • Cheer
  • Rooting
  • WaveFist
  • Clap
  • Victory
  • Champion
  • Winner
  • TheWave
  • Chicken
  • CrossArms
  • CurseYou
  • Noooo
  • Clipboard
  • DropBoombox
  • Boombox
  • BB
  • Dance
  • BBDance
  • BBTechnoid
  • BBRaver
  • BBMoveOn
  • BBQuickie
  • BBYellow
  • BBElectroVibe
  • BBLooker
  • BBAltitude
  • BBWindItUp
  • BBBeat
  • BBKickIt
  • BBCatchMe
  • BBShuffle
  • BBJumpy
  • BBDiscoFreak
  • BBMeaty
  • BBInfoOverload
  • BBWahWah
  • BBNotorious
  • BBDogWalk
  • BBPeace
  • BBSpaz
  • BBHeavyDude
  • BBVenus
  • Dance1
  • Dance2
  • Dance3
  • Dance4
  • Dance5
  • Dance6
  • DustOff
  • Drink
  • EatDonut
  • Donut
  • EatFood
  • Eat
  • Food
  • FlippingCoin
  • Fishing
  • Fear
  • Afraid
  • Scared
  • Cower
  • Flashlight
  • FlashlightUp
  • FlashlightDown
  • Flex
  • FlexA
  • FlexB
  • FlexC
  • Flex1
  • Flex2
  • Flex3
  • Welcome
  • BuzzOff
  • GoAway
  • Handsup
  • Surrender
  • HoldTorch
  • Howl
  • Invent
  • KissIt
  • GetSome
  • Kneel
  • Crack
  • Knuckle
  • Knuckles
  • MartialArts
  • Kata
  • Laugh
  • Laptop
  • LaughToo
  • Laugh2
  • BigLaugh
  • WallLean
  • Ledgesit
  • ListenPoliceBand
  • DontAttack
  • No
  • Panhandle
  • PeerIn
  • Protest
  • Hmmm
  • Plotting
  • Paper
  • Point
  • What
  • Huh
  • Shrug
  • ReadBook
  • Rock
  • RollDice
  • Dice
  • FlipCoin
  • CoinToss
  • Coin
  • Burp
  • RaiseHand
  • Stop
  • Scissors
  • Salute
  • MilitarySalute
  • AtEase
  • Lotus
  • Yoga
  • Grief
  • Score1
  • Score2
  • Score3
  • Score4
  • Score5
  • Score6
  • Score7
  • Score8
  • Score9
  • Score10
  • SlapReact
  • Scheme
  • Plot
  • Sit
  • SitChair1
  • SitChair2
  • SitChair3
  • SitBench1
  • SitBench2
  • SitBench3
  • SitBench4
  • SitExecutiveChair
  • SitStool
  • SitTable1
  • SitTable2
  • Slap
  • Smack
  • ThreatHand
  • SmackYou
  • Screen
  • TouchScreen
  • Slash
  • SlashThroat
  • Talk
  • YoureWelcome
  • Thanks
  • ThankYou
  • Teabag
  • DrumDance
  • Hand
  • TalkToHand
  • JumpingJacks
  • Typing
  • Type
  • EvilLaugh
  • ELaugh
  • VillainLaugh
  • VillainousLaugh
  • Muahahaha
  • Waiting
  • Wave
  • Hi
  • Whistle
  • Wounded
  • Yata
  • YataYata
  • Thumbsup
  • Yes
  • Nod
  • Idle1
  • Idle2
  • BeatChest
  • Tarzan
  • TauntA
  • Taunt1
  • Taunt
  • TauntB
  • Taunt2
  • FlyPose1
  • FlyPose2
  • FlyPose3
  • FlyPose4
  • Drum
  • DrumLow
  • FloatBooks

Badge Restricted Emotes
  • Dice7
  • ListenStolenPoliceBand
  • MATablet

Wedding Booster Pack Emotes
  • Propose
  • Proposal
  • MarryMe
  • PoptheQuestion
  • MarriageProposal
  • ProposeMarriage
  • Rice
  • ThrowRice
  • RiceThrow
  • Confetti
  • ThrowConfetti
  • ConfettiThrow
  • RosePetals
  • ThrowRosePetals
  • RosePetalsThrow

Cyborg Super Booster Pack Emotes
  • RobotDance
  • RoboDance
  • DanceRobot
  • Dance7
  • PowerDown
  • RobotPowerDown
  • PowerUp
  • RobotPowerUp

Magic Super Booster Pack Emotes
  • Juggle
  • JuggleBalls
  • JuggleMagic
  • JuggleFire
  • JuggleElectricity
  • MagicCards
  • CardTrick
  • CCPrestoChango
  • CCLightning
  • CCSpin
  • CCCast

Science Super Booster Pack Emotes
  • CCDrinkFormula
  • CCSuperSerum
  • Experiment
  • MixFormula
  • Calculate

Costume Change Emotes
  • CCBackFlip
  • CCHowl
  • CCEvilLaugh
  • CCSalute

Restricted Costume Change Emotes
  • CCPeacebringer
  • CCWarshade
  • CCVanguardSigil

Friday, June 12, 2009

So, what have I been doing?

Aside from that nifty character ranking on the side of the blog there. (Thanks, Keen!!!)

You can see over there that I've gotten a few levels, including getting the re-made Andromeda Balan to 50. A lot of that was AE farms, both before and after the Posi-rant. I had a Widow that got into her 30s with AE farms, too, but she got deleted because: 1) I felt NO attachment to her since nothing but her first 10 levels was gotten outside the AE, and 2) after trying to level an elec/dark corr, I realized that I do NOT like red side. I just don't. For one thing, pretty much all the teaming red-side right now is AE farm. Yeah, I know. It has its place. But that's not all I want to do, especially at level 15 on a team struggling slowly, SLLLLOOOWWWLLYYY through a boss farm. It's too bad, because the elec/dark was pretty nifty. Electric is not the most damaging set, but how cool does the red lightening look, especially paired with all the dark effects? I 'll tell you how cool, REALLY cool. I might try that again sometime soon.

I made an AR/Energy that's been a lot of fun, both for game-play and RP. "Skaza" means "destruction" in Slovak, by the way. I remade Roxi Toxic for probably the 10th time, this time as a defender. Rad/rad, of course. She's 15, and she's running into that same AE problem that I ran into red-side, only not quite as much.

I've been running a lot of task forces with the 50s, mostly Andy and Fyre, and using the merits. For Andy, to give her an LoTG +recharge and a few other tweeks, and with Fyre, I've used the merits to buy expensive recipes, like the Numina unique, and selling them. Fyre has... quite a bit of influence, even after I got her the field crafter accolade. If anyone tells you that you can make money doing that, they're lying to you. Badly. Hit them with something and run away. It's a cruel, terrible lie. Okay, maybe before i14 and crazy salvage/market prices you could, but not anymore. Not even close. Mo's been earning merits in Hami raids, and has a few new pieces like a LoTG and a Numina unique. Empathing for the raids is not hard, and there usually isn't an overabundance of emps at raids, so I've been taking her instead of Fyre.

I've been thinking of making another new alt, but aside from another run at the elec/dark corruptor, I don't have any ideas at the moment, so I've mostly been running 50s for influence and merits when Vagz and I aren't working on one of our duos, either the characters that are meant to be duos or impromptu duos.

Those runs with the 50s on TFs, though, have been on well-organized teams, mostly with the KiTTY channel. I did do a PuG ITF out of boredom the other day, though. That was a mistake. I've been running ITFs with people from the KiTTY channel, on the maximum difficulty, and we've been finishing in just slightly over an hour on average. The PuG ITF took 2h37. Yep.

i15 should be out soon, and I am looking forward to it, just for the new faces. Like Keen said in one of his blog posts, several of my characters will be getting "plastic surgery." OOC, of course. Off the top of my head, both Andy and Skaza will be getting new faces, and possibly several others.

Briefly, a word on my opinion about the Going Rogue expansion. I don't have one. Why? Because we know virtually nothing about it. I have a very much "wait-and-see" attitude about it. Honestly, though? I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed, because they're running away with the speculations. My take on the announcement is that you won't be able to take existing characters "rogue," especially since the announcement mentions a "parallel universe." I don't think current CoH or CoV characters will be able to interact with the Going Rogue universe, except maybe in PvP or co-op zones, just like our current characters in CoH and CoV can't. Yes, absolutely, I could be wrong. But I won't be disappointed or even surprised if I am. Still, though. Wait and see.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pictures from the Fifth Anniversary

The announcement said "CHAOS" and that's what it was. But, in a good way.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Don't Like Issue 14

Don't say that out loud, and please don't spread it around. Mobs with torches and pitchforks will show up. The Mission Architect is sacred and the best thing ever to happen to the game, if you read the forums. I'm... just not impressed. Or maybe just not interested, or both.

But, there's like a hundred new badges you can get! Yeah? Well, I could not care less about badges. I think you have to have some sort of collector gene to "get it," and I don't.

But you can earn tickets to save and get what you want! Oh, yeah? I thought that's what merits were for? And before that, it was just influence, which worked fine for me. Have you looked at the market lately? I mean, really? The market's always been... a little shaky, but right now* it's just ridiculous. Sure, selling common salvage is great. But wait until you try to buy something or, worse, wait until you try to sell some of that rare salvage you had saved to finance alts.

But there's unlimited new content! Think of the creativity! There are thousands of missions available. That's very true. Last I looked, the MA numbers were over 50,000. Part of that has either been removed by GMs and some have been unpublished by players. A HUGE part of that is farms. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate farming. I've participated in it before, and I probably will again. It's boring, but it can be effective. In fact, I was trying to get Tresa some XP last week, and came across a farm MA mission where the lieutenants were called "Tickets" and the bosses were called "MOAR Tickets." I finished the mission, and plan to never go back to it. I was on a PuG with Mo in Peregrine, and we ran a farm MA mission where the enemies were called "Meat." Mo got half a level off of that, and I hardly had to do anything. So, it served its purpose. It was effective, but boring.

Not all the MA missions are farm missions, though. A lot people actually tried to create actual missions. Like the person who tried a tribute "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Or the arc that I was on yesterday with a team where the missions were meant to resemble "Snakes on a Plane," "Shaun of the Dead" (which had the title character's name misspelled as "Shawn," not to mention other spelling and grammatical errors), and the Austin Powers movies. Aside from the fact that the devs have forbidden even parodying copyrighted material, they were awful. "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" tribute was at best boring and pointless. The other was just terrible.

I've seen more than a few missions that someone wrote featuring their supergroups. That's very nice for those people and their supergroups. I haven't bothered attempting any of those.

Some people tried to write missions that fit into the game world. I've run into a couple of those that were are comparable to anything you might find in the game outside of the MA.

Here's the thing, though, for the people that actually tried. Some people write very well. Some people write pretty good. Some people should not be allowed to form written words. Most people, though, are mediocre writers. Once you wade though all the farms, the missions with (TEST) after the title, the ones with such "questionable content" that you know just by looking at the title that it'll be pulled within the hour, and the ones that have spelling and grammar mistakes just within the title, chances are you're going to end up with a sort of okay mission.

Of course, there are exceptions. But first you have to get past the 49,650 missions and arcs that are not.

* "right now" because that will likely change in the next couple of weeks for better or worse. It will either settle into a more predictable pattern which will become accepted as the norm OR something new will be introduced, again, and the market will change accordingly, again.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What I'm Doing While I Wait For i14

In the tradition of "What I'm Doing While I Wait For i13":

Brute Fights

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Way Off Topic -- The World Is Ending, and All I Got Was This Lousy Bear

This has absolutely nothing to do with the game, but it could be the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.

That's right. The world is ending. But we have bears, so it's cool.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oh, Right...

I was going to post this like two weeks ago, but I kept forgetting, and now it's not new anymore... But I was reading a post on the forums, which made me remember, and maybe not everyone's seen it already, so...
Leaked Magic Super Booster Costumes

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Knocking on Wood

I really, really hate to jinx myself after all the problems I had with the computer, so I hate to even make this post, but I'm back. And have been for over a week. But after all the problems, I kept waiting for a "Kaboom!" and a tiny puff of smoke. So far, that hasn't happened. So far.

To get the virus cleaned, everything had to be wiped out of my computer. Everything. Pictures, programs, music, screenshots, chatlogs, everything. (I backed it all up on my laptop first, but I'll get to that in a minute... ) Even though that process cost more than I was happy about, I was happy to have the computer back, working, and not shutting itself off every five or ten minutes. Until I went to load the game and got all kinds of error messages and/or a black screen. Apparently the new drivers made my combo video card incompatible with the game. It went back to the computer shop for a couple of days, but they couldn't find the old version or a new version that worked, so my only other option was a new video card, which again cost more than made me happy. But, I got it back and it worked great, except for a couple of very, very small oddities that I never thought anything about. For example:

The bricks were weird colors. (Top is Peregrine Island, bottom is Cap Au Diable) But, so what, right? Everything else looked great.

For a day and a half. Then, in the middle of a Statesman's TF, the screen went black. I shut the game down in Task Manager, and restarted. Screen went black, and I couldn't get the Task Manager to come up. Manually restarted the computer, got error messages when I tried to enter the game. Restarted the regular way, got error messages. Restarted again, and got nothing but a black screen for anything. I finished the STF on my laptop, which made me all but useless. The laptop runs the game just fine, as long as you don't want to move, use powers, or see details. (There was a lot of sit-in-the-base-and-RP in the on-and-off 2 weeks that I didn't have my desktop.)

That was Saturday. I took the computer back to the shop on Monday, and they couldn't find anything wrong with it. Tuesday, they still couldn't find anything wrong with it. Wednesday, they gave up and put yet another new video card in it. And everything still seems to be working with that one. At the moment.

In the meantime, though, the fan blew out on my laptop, and the laptop overheats about 10 minutes into the game, or about a half hour into watching something on Hulu. I haven't tried to transfer anything back to the desktop, because I'm afraid it will melt into a large, vaguely laptop shaped puddle, although playing the game without my music is... different. I've heard game sounds that I didn't know existed, and some that I can live without, but I also seem to have more trouble concentrating, probably because those pesky RL noises intrude.

I've had trouble picking in-game settings for the new card, and I'm probably being overly cautious, but it still looks way better than it used to look. Costumes... wow. Like I didn't already spend enough time at Icon? In real-life, I'm un-stereo-typical, and I do not have a shoe obsession... much. But in the game, the shoes suddenly fascinate me. At least, way more than they did. I can read all those goofy little warning signs and things now, too. And Nemesis Warhulks and Fake Nemesis? I had no idea those things were so cool looking.

The police van is shiny. And the writing is legible.

Blaster-Jez in the base. Look at her shoes!

Scrapper Jez and Marauder.

Nemesis robots are pretty. Who knew?

Prehistoric Positron is pre-- Okay, interesting.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl

Just in case you missed it last night:

Note that the Steelers won the game with 35 seconds left.

Also, Top 10 Super Bowl Commercials

And, finally (The "narrator" does use the f-word, so not entirely SFW):

Note the use of the word "riot" in the video title. That's the only kind of riots Pittsburgh has.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Almost Out of the Game

In an update to my last post, and in an odd coincidence to Keen's last post, my computer has a nasty virus as well. It was bad when I made my last post, and it only got worse, so I've been using my laptop. It will run the game, but not very well, and it makes actually playing, and especially teaming, rather difficult. I can't fix my computer myself, I've tried everything I could, and a few other things besides, but I do plan on getting it fixed. If all goes well, things will be back to normal around Wednesday or so. Hopefully.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Why I Hate My Computer a.k.a. What Not To Do

Currently, I'm downloading the game onto my laptop. Why? Because I'm an idiot, clearly.

Disregard the rest of this if you want. I'm frustrated, and it's a rant.

I picked up a virus last week. Or let's just call it "malware" because I'm not even sure what it was. And I wasn't even doing anything bad! Okay, I was watching a TV show on one of those "funny" sites, but it was The Big Bang Theory, for gods' sake. But, anyway. Apparently, when I cleaned it out, my anti-bad-stuff program, Ad-Aware, took a couple of Windows files with it. (Thanks so much, Ad-Aware!) Now, I'm getting a dll error everytime I boot up my computer, and a fun random crash that freezes my entire computer every once in awhile. I played, what, 10 hours yesterday? And I got two of those crashes. That's not unbearable, but it's not good. Windows System Restore, the easy solution, won't work, because of what I can only assume are the missing Windows files. Windows came with my computer, so I can't use my Windows disk to repair Windows. I have what calls itself a "System Restore" disk that is supposed to reload all the programs that came pre-loaded on the computer, but will erase everything on the hard drive. I resigned myself to that and backed up what I could (pictures, music, etc.) onto my lap top. But, the Restore CD didn't work. My computer refused to do anything with it.

So, it looks like I'm stuck with a computer that will probably crash at least once each time I try to run the game. I'm pretty sure CoH is not going to run well on my lap top, but I'll try it anyway, just to feel like I'm doing something where I'm pretty sure I've run out of options. And if you see me in the game, and I randomly disappear, I crashed. I'll be back in about 10 minutes.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Updates and Expansions

I've been playing a lot over the past two weeks or so. I blame the Winter Lords. Two merits per kill, and a kill takes maybe two minutes. Mo has about 150 merits just from that, blaster-Jez had enough for her -KB IO, plus about 80 merits left over. Fyre had a few, and so did Tresa. Tresa and blaster-Jez also got the Toy Collector badge. I had enough candy canes for 6 of the Winter's Gift unique IO, plus assorted auras, badges, snow beasts and snow balls. Of course, now that the Winter Event is over, Paragon City seems bare and quiet.

Mo (Maurelle Ferrishyn, emp/sonic defender) got from 33 to 37. It's been awhile since I did any real dedicated emp'ing, and it's still just as mind-numbingly boring and yet difficult as ever. I had a chance to take her on an ITF yesterday, but I didn't because I'm not sure how good my twitch-heal-reflex would be with all the burst damage from the Romans. I do want to try it, but maybe not until I've had a little more practice again. Or with a PuG that I don't care if they die or not. One or the other.

Blaster-Jez, who I haven't mentioned here until today, is level 34 as of last night. It is the same character as my DB/WP... who got to 50 like two or three months ago, but I don't think I've mentioned that here... Mostly, I created her because I wanted an archery blaster. I had one way back when, before the archery buffs that came with i9 or i10. She was archery/energy, but since I have an energy/energy blaster (Raven Hex, level 37, who may or may not be getting deleted sometime soon, because I just don't like all the KB in energy, as much as I try to work around it), I didn't want to duplicate needlessly, so I thought I'd try Devices.

With the Devices secondary, it's like playing something completely different from a blaster. None of the other blaster secondaries, or really anything else in the game except the CoV equivalent, plays anything like it. I am officially amused. Maybe too amused, judging from some of the trip mine fields I've made. And level 35 is Time Bomb, which may be a bad sign for that.

Vagz and I teamed blaster-Jez and blaster-Will up a few times, once with Keen's psi blaster, Neverminder (whose name I still love). It was rough going at first, but we're definitely getting the hang of it. And RP-wise, they get along just fine. They have pretty similar personalities, so unless something weird happens, there shouldn't be any conflicts. And half-way through that sentence, I stopped because I realized I jinxed myself. "Something weird" always happens. We'll have to see, I guess.

The shield duo is... okay. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad. The shield set is... okay. There's nothing particularly outstanding about it. If I was starting a scrapper from scratch again, I don't think I'd pick it. There's nothing it does remarkably well, and there are other sets that do about everything it does better. It's got some visibly flashy stuff, like Shield Charge, but I've always been more into substance over style. I'd take WP over Shield any day. Broadsword is fine, but I've already done Katana, and it's basically the same set with a few minor differences between speed and damage. BS does a little more damage, Katana's a little faster. Otherwise, same powers, different swords.

RP-wise... well, Tresa's a little hard to play. She's incredibly level, as far as her temperament goes. She's very intelligent (way more than I am, so any dumb mistakes she makes should always be attributed to the player), very logical. She has... well, I hate to say she has no sense of humor. I mean, I really hate to say it. But she's definitely not the type to make jokes or really get jokes. There will be no humorous, borderline sarcastic comments coming from her.... unless I slip. She's very goal-oriented. She's a techno-mage who ended up in this dimension by mistake. A dimension which, by her standards, is incredibly technologically backward, with a really odd political-social-economic standards. She hates that she made a mistake at all, much less that it had such big consequences for her, and with that along with the responsibilities she has in her world, she's practically obsessed with getting back home. Less obsessed now that she's made another mistake and found that the process she began to get back to her world will take approximately thirty years. It's taken some of the immediacy out of it for her, but she's still working on that particular process, and searching for another way back.

Sometimes it seems like you have to work on character and the details about that character, like the world they come from, family, personality, everything. But with Tresa, once I had a very vague idea, everything about her was just right there. I would have made her... a little less rigid if I could have, but that's not how she is. She's brave, and smart, and tough, all of which I can appreciate, but she's still... kind of boring.

Speaking of characters that are difficult to RP... try an older-than-time fallen Angel with partial, occasional amnesia who's running around the Rogue Isles with a totally clueless clone. Okay, first, what the hell was I thinking with that character? I don't know! She's over two years old in the game, but most of her RP details were theoretical, rather than actually played. The "amnesia" part was meant to make her easier to play, actually. If there's something I don't know that she would, she just "forgot." Cheating? Absolutely. I didn't expect it to come up very often, though. But it was meant for that, and to explain why she didn't talk like a grade-schooler in the church Christmas nativity play, and instead more or less like everyone else. I try to keep her from slang, though, and give her a little bit of problem with modern concepts. The few times that I RPed her before her new duo (which is her, dark/pain corrupter, and Vagz's Retrieval rad/pain corrupter, who is a Crey Paragon Protector clone with a very familiar face), she didn't have to talk a whole lot, or even interact much. Now, she's sort of baby-sitting the clueless clone, and she's fallen into the role of sort of wise, Zen-like teacher. Sorta. Instead of giving Retrieval answers, she likes to ask him questions and get him to give the answers himself. She's trying to get him to think for himself. It's hard to tell at this point whether it's working or not, but it seems like it might be. She has a soft spot, such as it is, for humans, which is what got her kicked out of Hell... but not what got her kicked out of Heaven in the first place. She's more of a developing character than Tresa is. Her basic background is laid out, but her personality is more fluid. Which really is part of her character.... sorta.

Other than all that, I've been remodeling the base, again. We finally earned the super-group healing badge that opens up plans for the Auto Doc, or the arcane version, the Tree of Wonders. I wanted to add that. It buys recipes, salvage, and inspirations, and sells small blues and greens. (Which I found in a pinch, you can just buy three of one or the other, and turn them into what you need. Like break-frees.... stupid psi spiders and their stuns... ) But when I went to put it out, suddenly all the power in the base went out. Oops? To make a very long process into a short story, I had to craft the next size in energy... things, and buy the next step up in control... things. And add rooms for them. And buy the next bigger plot size to fit those rooms in. But, now we have... more rooms. And, the Tree of Wonders next to the rez ring (in a new room), and a total of eight teleporters, with 16 total destinations. Four of which are in a new room. I can picture the Atlas recruitment slogan already. "Eight teleporters to 16 zones, a rez ring, a Tree of Wonders, vault storage, invention table, buff creation table, and more!" Uh, no. But, hey, but if anyone has any alts they want to add... especially alts that will heal in SG mode, because that next healing badge for the upgraded Tree of Wonders is far, FAR away... we have space! ... uh, anyway.

With all of that, is it any wonder that I'm enjoying letting Jez make things go boom just a little too much?