I got a little behind with the blogging. I know, I know. I was using my free time to
play, not post. Weird, I know. So, there are a lot of pictures here. And, they're slightly out of order. I'll try to explain as I go.

Y'all, I did a Pick-Up Group Statesman Taskforce. Worst decision ever? Well, not entirely. The team was one blaster (Fyre Hex, me) two scrappers, a tank, a peacebringer, a defender, and two controllers. Two of those last three were empaths. Empaths who didn't use fortitude. That's all I'll say about them. Still, we flew through the first few missions. We got a little hung up on the Dr. Aeon AV, but honestly, just a little. Then, we hit the final mission. Confusion, chaos, and death. We didn't finish. Still, I'm glad that I made the run. And I want to do it again with a better team. Or, hell, just again. It's fun, and the visuals are great. Even the NPC dialogue is good.
Above, is Recluse's version of Atlas Park.

Fyre-Hex in Grandeville. No, not villain-Fyre. Hero-blaster-Fyre, during Statesman's TaskForce. A lot less laggy than the real Grandeville.

The Death Picture. Here, Scarlette Blade. At least she took out the Rikti boss she was fighting before she fell.

I love these Carnie missions. This is one from Harvey Maylor, where Malta has invaded a Carnival of Shadows party. After we cleared, I made Vagz wait while Cass and I ran around and took pictures like a tourist.

There's a new program I found on the forums, CoH Splasher, that allows you to change both your log in screen and your character selection screen. It is NOT against the EULA. This picture is most likely my new character select screen. When I get the program all worked out, I'll try to post what the new screen looks like. For the program, go here:
I always wanted a neon green velvet sofa.

Cass, with Vagabond Blade sitting on the couch behind her.

A Ring Mistress from another Carnie mission. Yeah, I like the Carnie missions. Why? Arcane salvage, of course.

Cass, waiting for Vagabond Blade in Skyway.

TF Sunday has temporarily morphed into Altitis Sunday. This time, again on Triumph, I made Evan Caine, an AR/Dev blaster. I like the power sets. I like the name. I'm okay with the costume and the face. The hair has to go. She looks like Cass.
Here's my little costume rant, though: I have problems with costumes. I never read comic books. I think I own 4. (Those Buffy comics don't count. They're collector's items. Yeah, that's it.) So, I'm not used to looked at superhero costumes. In general, spandex looks silly to me. And people with underwear outside their clothes should be in insane asylums. Or in an 80's Madonna video. Yes, there are exceptions. I've seen some awesome costumes that look like they've come right off the pages of a comic book (or at least, what I think that might look like). I'm just saying that I have problems putting costumes together. Me, personally. Geez. Anyway. I tend to pick "regular" clothes. And there's a limit supply of those. And, yeah, I use a lot of black. So, I end up with a lot of costumes that look the same or simliar. Of course, the fact that I have, and have made, entirely too many alts may have something to do with that, too.
Evan's at 8 or 9 now. I'll change her hair when she gets a few more levels and can get through Steel Canyon with a little less risk. Yes, she could make it to Icon now. But, I'll still take the less risk, thanks.

Fyre got her imps! Fyre imps? Either way, that's Stop, Drop and Roll. The little one is Drop. Those are my names for them. Fyre has so far refused to name them, although she's referred to them as Larry, Curly and Shemp (yes, I know that particular combination never existed, but the names flow better) and Dweezil, Moon Unit, and Frank.

Part of the Statesman TF. You fight an AV Dr. Aeon, who spawns clones that are Elite Bosses. We died. More than once.

This is the hospital in the final mission of the Statesman TF. You'll probably see it a few times.

Ghost Widow did NOT like Fyre. Can't imagine why.

Captain Mako didn't like anyone.
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