Monday, August 6, 2007

Weekend Pictures

This is Villain-Fyre (you can tell by the blonde). I don't know why she was posing, but I do like the picture. It was taken before I (finally) turned up my resolution, so it could have been better, of course.

Yeah, it's kind of a "death picture," but it's a good action shot anyway. That's Keen Havoc in the foreground, Fyre dead on the floor with the minions and miners, and Mason, in the back ground, about to be hit by a shovel.

Mason, Fyre, and Captain Piett spent some time in Pocket D over the weekend. The facial expressions do not change in the game, but I'd say Fyre looks mad about something or other. With that crowd, it's a good bet.

I spent way too many hours in the RWZ on Saturday. Poor Fyre died, a lot. Here, she's helping to tear down a pylon.

The Rikti Giant Monster, U'Kon Gr'ai. Note the guy with the Most Mismatched Costume In The World, behind U'Kon's.... club? Gun? Sword?

The death picture! I think we were trying to spell out "help."

I always think it's kinda ironic when Fyre gets frozen. Even more, when she gets set on fire.

Luna spent some time exploring Sharkhead while the team waited for Kain. She found some Freaks doing some strange stuff. They were apparently baffled by this "strange item." Looks like a skelton to me, guys. With all the shooting, slicing, stabbing, burning, and exploding, it can't be a very unusual sight.
You can also see my obessive-complusive need to organize my inspirations (ugh, that orange is in the wrong place!) and Luna's lack of chat tabs. All the action in Guardian happens in team-chat, and only in team-chat. I never bothered to add or seperate anything else. I think every character I have has a different chat-tab set up. But, everyone's inspiration tray is nice and organized. No matter what. Yes, I will click-and-drag in the middle of a fight.

Lunatrix, in her goth look, making someone invisible. Probably Bomber.

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