Monday, August 13, 2007

Fyre, Will, Team Nevermastermind, and the LGTF

I've been doing some "housekeeping" type things that I've been putting off for more than awhile. Literal, and metaphorical housekeeping. One of the things I've been meaning to do is put labels on my posts, mostly for my own benefit. I started at the most recent, and worked my way back. "Wow, lots of pictures. Team 2.0. Angst, angst, angst." I stopped labeling. Maybe my labeling system needs to be more specific. Maybe I'll get to that. Or, you know, not.

So, what's goin' on?

I skipped some things, I know. And I'm probably going to skip more stuff. It's my blog, and I'll do what I want.


Mason's been replaced on Team 3.1..... Team Mastermind... Team MM... Team Nevermind.... Team Nevermastermind? Team NMM? Okay, how about just Team NM? Right. Mason's been replaced on Team NM by one of the gang that he dragged around with him, a guy who calls himself Red. Or, "kid," or "boy," if you ask Havoc or Captain Piett. Would they actually accept this new guy into their loosely knit group so easily? Almost definitely not, but we like and want to keep the player, so Red's in. Fyre's pretty indifferent about it. She's got bigger things on her mind. And she knows any one of them can take some street punk if the need arises. Mason himself is a peripheral problem. As long as he doesn't show up and cause problems and force her to deal with him, she won't. As far as revealing her presence in the Isles, the importance of that not happening has faded. (Really, the consequences are non-existent, and reality of it would screw with the story.)

The demon has told me the reason why he wants Fyre in the Isles. It's maybe stretching a little, and it has the potential to be way over-blown. It's a big idea. More melo-dramatic than I would have chosen. But it works. Fyre doesn't know, and won't know for a good long while. The demon's not telling her right now, and I'm not telling her, either. I've been playing around with ways to drag my fallen angel character on Virtue, Angel Noir (level 41 fire/thermal corrupter who's been languishing at 40+ since way before they raised the CoV level cap from 40 to 50) into the story. Maybe she knows Fyre's demon, and she'll "accidentally" run into Will sometime. Or, not. Just something I'm playing with.

Fyre and Will got into an argument last night. It was after 3am, so I don't remember it well. Luckily, I don't look at the keys to type, or I wouldn't have been able to see what I was typing. I should have been sleeping, not ang-- er, drama-ing. The mission was a Circle of Thorns kidnap. Simple, right? Until the text came up from the kidnappers and the hostage. You have to love when the game throws these kinds of things into your lap. The hostage, Agnes something, had bought a necklace that was a charm against demons, and the Circle wanted it. Fyre wanted that charm. A lot. But she didn't want to draw attention to how much she wanted it, and especially not why she might need it. Will makes a comment something like, "Hey, that could be useful. You should see how much she wants for it." Fyre was already going to do that. No, she wasn't going to just take it. Fyre's not a villain, she's just playing one. And, she could certainly afford whatever Agnes wanted for it, especially since she told the Circle she didn't want it, anyway, and they could just have it. Most likely, Agnes was so grateful to get away from the Circle, she just gave it to Fyre.

But instead of just telling Will that was a good idea, and buying it from Agnes anyway, Fyre snaps at Will. "Don't you think I know what I'm doing, at least sometimes?" Or something like that. They had a brief argument last week when Will went back and checked some rooms in a mission that Fyre had just been through. When you think about the stuff she's been through and done and been up against, she really does have to be more than competent at the type of things that she and Will are doing. She knows, though, that people often don't get past what she looks like and what her upbringing was. She's been touchy about that before, and it wouldn't stop with someone like Will. She doesn't like that he questions her judgement on things she knows she's capable of doing. She doesn't like that he doesn't believe her when she tells him things like the Lost are Rikti, when she'd have no reason to lie to him about such a thing. She's nervous that he's going to ask why she wants the charm, especially since every other time they've taken something from one of their missions, she's expressed no interest in whatever the thing is, no matter how much it's worth, or how important it is. Even if she wanted to explain anything to him, Havoc's listening. Havoc wanders off to see an Arbiter, and Fyre tries the employer/employee thing, but does it badly, and the fact that she was just arguing with him makes Will less inclined to cut her some slack. The argument probably would have gone on, but the players weren't awake enough.

Earlier, we'd played around with Team 3.0 a little. Pretty quiet, except when Bomb collapsed at the end. Luna's first reaction was to shake him, or check his pulse or his breathing. She remembered in time, though, how much she didn't want to touch him. Physical contact makes psychic contact all that much easier. It's not impossible to have psychic contact without physical contact, of course, but the physical contact makes it all but unavoidable. Luna does not want to know what's going on inside Bomber's head, or any of things that have happened to make him what he is, or anything else she might pick up on. The same, by the way, goes for anyone else, which is why she's never without her gloves, and why she goes out of the way not to touch people. I think she has nightmares about accidentally touching the demon that Ryu's introduced to the gang.

Before that, we did the Lady Grey TF with blaster Fyre, scrapper Vagz, tanker Masonry, and Keen Stronghold, and some of Vagz's friends from Dauntless. Pretty unremarkable.


I still love the TF. The first mission where you rescue Penny and the Clockwork King and his minions appear, the mission where you rescue two sisters from the Omega Team, the Abyss, and the final mission where you walk through the carnage to get downstairs to find the Honoree. It's a great TF, story-wise and visual-wise. If you've seen the pictures I posted today, you'll see that we accidentally "worm-holed" a pylon into the center of the Hamidon. That's something you don't see every day. We had relatively few deaths, no angst, and we went through it pretty quick. Cass is, barely, in range for it, and I still wouldn't mind doing it on Fyre or Blaze again.

I want to get villain Fyre to 32. Fire imps. Fyre imps? Uh, maybe not. But first level 30 and the aura, which I may have a use for. I have an itty-bitty idea of a plan, or an option for a plan, because it might be more of a pain in the ass than its worth. I'm still more into letting things happen as they do than forcing things, so, we'll see, I guess.

1 comment:

The Vagabond said...

I'm looking forward to getting Will to 30 for the extra costume slot. :D I'll do the aura mission with you, but the only aura I might use would be something around the gauntlets. But like the cape mission, it's one of those things I'll do just so I have the option. Just in case. :)