Fyre and Barracuda. They're not going to be friends

Captain William Piett and Keen Havoc. A lot of cows had to die for those outfits. Let's have a moment of silence for the cows.

Samantha Noir, a.k.a. "Sam." A level 8 robots/ff Mastermind on Pinnacle, and also on Infinity. She's tougher than you.

Fyre Hex and Vagabond Mage fighting the Rikti AV, though here he's only an EB. In both guises, he's one of the few AV's that will run away. Wimp.

Fyre, pulling her kamikaze routine and trying to solo the EB. It didn't work. That time.

Faultline's in that mess. He turns out to be a stone armor/earth control tanktroller.

You may have to click on this picture to read the blue text. But, do it!

Floating torsos. The Isles really are weird.

Team Mastermind, doing what masterminds do best... block things. Here, the stairs. All the minions wouldn't even fit on the stairs.
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