Friday, December 5, 2008


I know, I should be writing about i13, and merit hatred, etc., and I will, eventually. But. I found this video, and it's sort of like one of those car crash things. I couldn't stop watching. If this was 1985, I probably would have taped the song off the radio and listened to it over and over. The video... well, I think someone spent way too much time at the Renaissance Fair. The singer's kinda creepy. And yet, I still couldn't stop watching.

But, please, someone tell me what the alligator is doing in all of that?


pauloddr said...

Will you believe me if I say I was really expecting a "car crashing" video?

You know, real cars... crashing... and stuff :P

Fyre Hex said...

It could have been a metaphor for i13. Like, whole issue is just a wreck.

The Vagabond said...

I bet he spent a weekend watching Ladyhawke, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Chronicles of Narnia and thought "That's my music video! Right there!"