Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To the Pick-Up TF group I just left:

I hate you all. You've ruined one of my favorite TF/SFs for me, probably forever. Oh, sure, I should have known better. I should have seen the signs: advertising in one of my global channels for a fire blaster, because they wanted Fireball; asking for specific things, like an empath, a sonic, and a fire blaster; saying it would be done in an hour and a half. But, I offered my 42 fire/thermal corruptor anyway, because that TF is always fun. Yes, I know now, I should have continued on my merry little solo way, but I got greedy, so I deserved what I got. But let me tell you: a thermal corruptor is not an empath. A thermal corruptor is not a force field defender. A corruptor is not a defender at all. A corrupter is not a blaster. A call from what certainly must have been your ten-year old classmate in forth grade does not count as "an important phone call," and does not necessitate a 20 minute afk in which the team stops cold. Also, when the fourth-grader comes back hollers, "Ready!" this is not the time for two more people to reply, "brb!" Yelling "thaw" every 45 seconds is a sure-fire way to get yourself slept, held, and inevitably dead. Screaming "forge me baby" is a quick way to get yourself ignored for the duration of the mission. Also, the results of charging headfirst into Hami over and over and over again is not going to change the inevitable result, in which you die, no matter how many times you try it. In closing, if I ever see any of you looking for teammates for a TF, SF, or any type of group effort, I will ignore any such call. Even if it's the last TF/SF I need for the "OMGPWNZALL" accolade, and there will never be another team for it again. Thanks for getting me half-way to 45 and the several million in infamy. I also hope that Hami jumps out of the JELL-O snack pack your mommy packs in your lunch tomorrow and eats your face.


The Vagabond said...

Mmm... nothin' says lovin' like Hamidon in your lunch. :D

Warwriter Widow said...

Then maybe we need to redo it to renew your faith in CoH/V-kind.