And I have no ideas for a DB/WP alt. Or even a WP/DB alt. Nor do I have any definite ideas for who might get the axe on Virtue to make a space for one of those alts. Currently, I have 3 scrappers on Virtue: Cassandra Noir (level 47, MA/Inv), Scarlette Blade (level 36, Katana/Regen), and Hex Raven (level 18, dark/dark).
Cass would be the one to go, if she wasn't level 47 and duo partners with Vagabond Blade (aka: Team Scrapper). Inv. is a terrible secondary for scrappers. When she was created, it was awesome for tanks, and not bad for scrappers. Not so much seven issues later.
Scarlette could go. Regen's so over-done. She doesn't get much play, she doesn't have any partners or a usual team, and playing scrapers in a full, fast moving team isn't a lot of fun for me. (Attack! Wait, that one's dead already... tab, move, click-up an attack... oh, that's dead, too.... Next group! Wait, the tank stopped for no reason... I'm dead because all those purples aggroed on me. *sigh*) But, I really like her bio and her "personality."
Raven's probably not going. She's partners with Derick, Vagz's Warshade. Dark/dark for scrappers is still not fun. But it looks like it might be, sometime after level 24 or so. And I like her. She's absolutely clueless. Oh, she's not dumb, but she's only existed for a couple of months. By the way... how odd is it that Idaho and Raven came to exist practically the same day? One's a clone, with no past of his own, and the other's a "construct" with no past. Pretty similar there. But they both went in total opposite directions. Idaho's an angst magnet, with Mason's past bogging him down, and all kinds of freaky sexual tension. Raven's practically angst-repellent, innocent, and somewhat socially-stunted. It's fun to play off of that with her, too. Everything's new and interesting, and sometimes inexplicable and difficult to understand. She's like the anti-Snow. (Ooh, is that an idea? No... wait, maybe.)
There's a possibility of Scarlette getting recreated (Not re-rolled. There's no dice involved. None. Nothing is being "rolled" for. You pick. No leaving it to chance. There. Is. No. Rolling. /end rant). Or I could just delete Obsydian Fyre (Level 43 WS) who's still hanging around, though I've acknowledged I'll never have a use for her. I've just never deleted something that high. I could have her to 50 like that. But, who cares? I'd probably never play her again, and what's the point of having a 50 around taking up space when you'll never play it? The same point of having a level 43 hanging around that you'll never play. None.
Or I could just put a DB/WP scrapper on another server. Scrappers are the easiest to solo, and I could just break it out when I was bored or wanted to play on my own.
Something's wrong when a game is stressing you out. I think I'm going outside for awhile.

1 comment:
For Obsydian Fyre, do what I did with Masonry II - move her to another server. Yeah, it's $10, but it's better than saying to yourself "Damn, I wish I didn't delete her." You could always move her back someday.
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