I haven't even posted pictures for awhile, so I have a bunch. I'll break it into 2 posts so as not to overwhelm.

Things in the Shadow Shard have deteriorated so badly, they've contracted out the Knives of Artemis. Or maybe it was just Fyre and me goofing around at Halloween.

Halloween was fun. I did a lot of ToTing. Both red- and blue-side Fyre had almost all the costumes at one point. My favorites were the Knives of Artemis costume (above) because I just love how it looks, and the Malta Gunslinger costume on Fyre, just for the irony. The Malta costume also caused some IC drama red-side, when Will innocently tried it on.
Mo's Halloween costume. I liked it, partly because I could never seriously use the Metal costume pieces, so I'd never had a chance to try them out before. Pen didn't seem to like it. The amount of skin it showed made him nervous.

Level 50 Red Caps are wrong for so many reasons. Mase, Keen and I were hunting Jack in Irons when we came across these. They were spawning through out the northern end of Croatoa. I hope it was a one-time-only bug.

Team Ice. Well, most of it. Khryo (aka Rosie), Crystal, and Bob. The guy in the lab coat and the chick in shorts aren't part of the team.

The Hacker we saved from the Tsoo was entirely too energetic. Or maybe just stuck. Rosie kept up for awhile, but gave up not much later.

Vagz and my DB/WP characters on Test. Mine was Valerie Hex, and Vagz's was Blood Crucible. I find myself in a state of anti-altitis: I have no ideas for alts, and no desire to create any, though I do want to try DB/WP on Live, especially after we played after the level bump that took us to level 37. I'm looking into medication for this reverse-altitis thing to get an idea for that.

A travesty in Weapon Customization. They're all tanks, from Test. The zombie with the shovel is mine. The little girl with the hammer is Keen's, and the pseudo-fireman with the fire axe is Vagz's.

With Ourborous, you can get a mission to fight the Fifth Column, which I missed in the original time-line just
barely. Here, Fyre got her chance on Test. Note the banners in the background.
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