Thursday, November 22, 2007

Pictures, Part Two

I should call these next two, "Pictures That Got Me Killed."

This is why you need to pay attention in Croatoa, even when doing out-leveled hunts.
And if you aren't paying attention while running flying through the little tree maze, if you run into this, don't stop and take a picture.
Unless you're looking for a short-cut to the hospital.

"Hey, wonder how close I can get to one of those drop ships?"
About this close.
That flash? Yeah, that's the last thing you see before the drop ship drops you.

Poor Roxi Toxic. She's been a hero, a villain, a defender, a controller, a corruptor. She made it to level 12 on Freedom in this incarnation. She stayed at level 12 for about a year, and even though I didn't play her, I thought she'd stay like this, because I like the costume. Then I had a random dream, and I saw another costume that I had to try, and Roxi seemed like the only one to try it on, because of the color it had to be. So:

Roxi Toxic, Version Some Number I Can't Keep Track Of. She's on Freedom again, and she's up to level 9, as of now. The last costume will probably go in her level 20 slot. If she makes it that high this time. But, less with the pink hair this time, I think.

At least this time, it was appropriate to get XP when one of their teammates got smushed.
This time, Team Evil got points when Styrm died. (Ha-ha!)
Note Snow's complete and utter disinterest. Isn't she fun?

I know what you're saying. You're saying, "What the hell is that?!" I know, because that was what I said when I first saw it. Imagine coming around the corner in the sewers and seeing That. That is a Wailer EB (probably an AV with a bigger team, but I don't know that for sure. Here, it was only Fyre and Will).

Fyre's semi-formal outfit for working with her "patron." Havoc liked it, anyway. And it scared Idaho nicely. I put "patron" in quotes because not only is Fyre IC not loyal to Ghost Widow, but she's already betrayed her according to the game storyline. And I will not mention anything else about the arcs from here on in, or will at least try to be very brief about anything that relates to them, because I know some people who read this haven't done any of the patron arcs, and I don't want to ruin them.

Will's level 40 costume slot, in Grandville. I like this outfit on him, a lot.

Look! Fyre's still building the army to take Masonry out! ...what? Mason's dead? Really? Huh. Well, scratch that, then. Wait... are you sure....?

Masonry, here with Keen Frost. The last picture of Masonry in the blog. Well.... maybe...

Ghost Widow, from her Patron Arc. Don't make her angry. You wouldn't like her when she's angry.
Note the PToD (That's "Purple Triangles of Doom," in non-forum speak). PToD is an interesting form of status protection that EBs and AVs get. And by "interesting," I mean, "incredibly frustrating, annoying and just NOT FAIR!" It makes soloing a Dom and maybe a Controller over a certain level an exercise in futility.

Lord Recluse from the STF. What a putz...

Uh... if he asks, I totally didn't call him a putz.

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