Saturday, July 21, 2007

I'm Not A Blonde, But I Play One on CoH

Not too much here. It seems pretty quiet without Team Angst, doesn't it? Team 3.0 is way calm. (Team Time-Bomb? Nah.) At least compared to Team Angst. Fyre and Will don't do much social-type talking. Okay, practically none. They talk about their missions, and that's pretty much it. I pushed them a little last night, and they got into an almost-argument about Fyre's trips between the Rogue Isles and the Steel Canyon Medical Center. Will thinks that Fyre's vigil for E is beyond pointless. Fyre, of course, disagreed. Had it not been so late for the players, the characters may have argued more.

Before that, though, they hit level 20. Life with Stamina is greatly improved. Neither of the players was entirely sure what to do with the second costume slot, but Fyre decided she needed a more incognito look. Will agreed, and suggested they come up with outfits that sort of went together, and also agreed that Fyre's red hair stood out. So, Will's in black leather (Oh, yeah, I totally hate that. Right.), and Fyre's a blonde. In a short black skirt and an almost-there top. *Sigh* What was I thinking? Blonde-Fyre got more looks, stop-and-stares, and comments in two hours than all my other characters over two years put together. I think I'm going to have to adjust the outfit.

It is entirely a coincidence that a few days earlier, Luna turned up a blonde. I'd pictured her as a blonde since I started creating the character, even with the short, bright pink hair, which I always knew was a wig. So, what's with me and blondes? No idea. Brown hair in the game often looks like mud. No, not always. I've seen brown pulled off very well, both male and female, though hair colors are rougher with the longer styles. Black hair is usually too severe, and looks fake. Again, no, not always. Unnatural hair colors are hard for me to deal with for long periods of time. Yeah, it's fun for awhile, but then it just seems to look wrong. To me. On my characters. No, I'm not saying all characters with pink, purple, or blue, or whatever hair are ridiculous, or brown or black. It's not a criticism, I'm just saying how I feel about my characters. And I've done red to death. Blaze, Cass, and Fyre (most of the time) are all red heads of one shade or another. So, the COTM (color of the moment) is blonde. It's a phase, I'll grow out of it.

1 comment:

Warwriter Widow said...

Mase and Fethshael pull off black hair really well. Blond on males looks kind of odd. Dusty's a blond; the SS officers are different degrees of blond.

You want angst? :D