Fyre and Will teamed up with Keen Havoc and Master Masonry. Will, Havoc, and Masonry are all MM's. That's... 12 minions, and 4 players. I don't think everyone fit into the shot. And, I hate that annoying little HeroStats gibberish box.

Cass on a cliff in Talos during a Rikti Invasion. You can see the green sky, and that the forcefields of the War Walls are nowhere to be seen.

Blonde Fyre and Will's mercenaries.

The traditional death picture. What's harder to see in the background, though, is that Cage security guards are fighting the Rikti Invaders. The Ghost of Scrapyard also fights the invaders, which is fun to watch. However, it's difficult to call it a "fight," as he one-shots everything.
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