I don't really have too much to say. I haven't posted in over a week, though, so I suppose I should make an effort. Angst is extremely minimal with the new team, so there's been very little to explain. I had the vague ideas of a story where Fyre tells comatose E what she's really been up to. Very vague. But, I just read E's post of what the comatose E is thinking, and I'm slightly intimidated. And the only thing I've been really inspired to write is my resignation letter, which I'll probably be turning in on Monday. So, I may have lots more time to write very soon. I'll be able to post every hour, on the hour!
Okay, well, we might not do that.
Team 3.0 is... okay. I'm so used to damage, this "control"... er, excuse me, "domination" thing is taking a bit to grow on me. Once I get past the boring Fitness powers, and get into some of the more interesting powers, I think I'll get a little more into it. I can tell I'm not too into the character, too, though. Usually by at least level 16, about where we are now, I'm itching to get to 20 for that next costume slot. But... eh. I don't have any ideas at all for a new costume for Luna. Something without a trenchcoat, and with a more "normal" hair color, maybe.
I revived a version of my Necro/dark MM from CoV beta, and she's kinda fun. While Luna is almost a poor-man's version of Fyre, personality wise, Dominique is good old-fashioned shadowy evil. Not Jason/Freddy slasher-movie evil, but more like old black-and-white Dracula movie evil.
For whatever reason, though, I'm having a lot of fun with villain-Fyre and Captain Piett. Right off the bat, they had the "chemistry" that people talk about between actors and actresses. Will is a "tough guy," and I'll admit, I like tough guys, and you've gotta be pretty tough to hang with Fyre. And, okay, I kinda like burning stuff, so the powersets were a little more interesting to me. Fyre has terrible endurance issues, though, so I can't wait until Stamina for her. It's not too bad, since she's mostly just duoing with Will, so I don't have to try to keep up with a full team. They're level 16, so Stamina and more interesting powers should just add to the allure. Fyre with fire imps.... the potenial awesomness is staggering.
Character-wise, is anything going to happen with that "chemistry?" Too soon to tell, I think. For one thing, Will has some issues that haven't been explored yet. And yes, we all know Fyre has issues. Including a demon with a fluxuating level of control over her. Plus, poor E. But, either way, they're fun.
Even when Masonry appears out of nowhere and joins them. That was fun. I mean, honestly. It had potential for major angst. And there was some angst. But it could have been total World War 3... actually, I think they're up to War 5 or 6.... between Fyre and Mason. It wasn't, though, surprisingly. They mostly got along. The Rogue Isles version of Mason sort of scares Fyre. She's not really afraid of him, though. This is a nightmare version of Mason for Fyre, the version that was she was always afraid existed, but she chose not to believe did. Well, at least until the end there, when he admitted he wanted to kill Fyre and E, and Jen if it suited his purposes. But, anyway. When Mason killed his punk follower, it made Fyre nauseous. It makes her more sick to think that she can hardly find fault with him, as she's in the Rogue Isles for nefarious purposes of her own, and responsible for just as many deaths, whether she finds the glee in killing that Mason does or not. I'd planned to keep the villain version of Fyre as more experimental than cannon, but I'm not sure how that will change now.
Oh, and hey, pictures.

I don't know why I took this picture. I don't know what killed poor Luna. But.... well, there it is.

Luna, Electryk (Which I'm probably spelling wrong. Forgive me), Kain, and Ryu's "children."
I almost posted the nice, pleasant picture of Masonry and Fyre sitting peacefully on a bench together, but.... nah. Besides, Mason already posted it. So, here's villain-Fyre, villain-Masonry and one of Will's army. Death pictures are funny today, I guess.
Nightmare Mase "enjoys" the killing. I put it in quotes because right now, it's something he's been denied for so long, that it's enjoyable. But eventually, it will become a sickening habit where he'll look at himself and say "What have I done?" Angst, ANGST, ANGST! (If I choose to keep the character going.) He may just drop in as your red-headed stepchild, if you don't mind. ;)
When I read E's post, I almost went back to my Scripta post and took the proverbial black magic marker to it and scribbled it out. Made mine look paltry. But I realized that the stuff on Scripta is both bad and good; daily artist's pages, laid bare for all to see. It's the muse kicking out stuff - it's up to me to clean it up sometime if I want. So go ahead and write it - I, for one, would like to see it!
*hides Mason's magic marker*
I liked your Scripta post. It was touching, and there's not supposed to be any way anybody knows what exactly is happening to E or going through his head.
And Fyre, I'd like to see Fyre talking to E, too. :)
I've got a lvl 22 Fire/Psi dominator on Guardian, and I've had to be extremely creative with her build because of the persistent endurance issues she has.
For starters: I had to put off Hot Feet until after Stamina. My fire/storm controller got it before. But between Flash Fire, Fire Cages, and Char, the dom's got her hands full endurance-wise. (And she only has 2 attacks from the psi set so far and Drain Psyche. Up front, she's a very pool-power heavy build. It's not until 26 that she starts to see some real power set development.) I've slotted (with IOs) the fire primaries for endurance reduction. Post-stamina with SOs (and IOs) has helped, but she still struggles.
Adding /fire secondary to that means endurance management. My fire/psi duos primarily with another dom, so we take advantage of stacking holds and roots, staggering dominate, and generally try to keep the crowds manageable. That definitely helps with endurance management. Once she gets Subdue and Hot Feet, she'll be better. Come Fire Imps...oh lordy, it's gonna be fun!
Anyway, just an FYI on my experience with the fire/ dom primary. Have fun!
--Kit, Dom lover
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