I listed Fyre's set bonuses once before, mostly to help me keep track, but that was a couple of months ago, and there have been several notable changes since.
This is what she had when I made this post in September:
Positron's Blast
+2.5% recovery
+1.58% fire and cold resistance
+9% Accuracy (in all powers)
-6.25% recharge time (in all powers)
+3.13% toxic resistance
Devastation (1)
+12% regeneration
+2.25% maximum health
Devastation (2)
+12% regeneration
+2.25% maximum health
+3% damage (in all powers)
-3.3% duration of hold time
Sting of the Manticore
+12% regeneration
+.95% energy and negative defense
+3% damage (in all powers)
+7.5 recharge (of all powers)
+3.13% toxic resistance
Scirrocco's Dervish
+10% regeneration
+3.15% negative energy resistance
+9% accuracy (to all powers)
Ghost Widow's Embrace
+5% run speed
+1.88% maximum health
+2.25% maximum endurance
+2.5% hold duration
+3.13% psi resistance.
This is now:

You can see that since, I've finished my second Devastation set, adding 3% damage to all powers, and lessening hold time by 3.3%.
In the week since I took those screenshots, there's been only one addition, an additional Ragnarok IO, Damage/recharge/Accuracy. That's 3 set bonuses now from that set:
4% Recovery
2.52% Fire and Cold Resistance
15% Accuracy
This includes the Chance for Knockdown Procedure IO, that provides a 20% chance to knockdown targets.
I added four of the six Aegis: Resist Damage set, giving her:
5% Run Speed
1.58% Fire and Cold Defense
2.5% debt protection
Most importantly from this set, though, is the set's Unique enhancement with is a Psionic/Status resistance, which provides a 3.0% bonus to Psionic Resistance. In addition, status effect resistance is increased by 20%.
I added the Chance to Heal Self from the Entropic Chaos set in her Ring of Fire. When it hits, it only gives a +60 HP. BUT. With the new Defiance, that's one of the powers I still use when she's held, slept, mezzed, whatever. In those cases, that little boost to her HP is pretty helpful.
In Hover, there's a Luck of the Gambler, Defense/Increase Recharge. That gives a +15.9 Defense increase, and a 7.5% recharge time boost to all powers. There's also a Karma: Knockback Protection, that provides 4 points of knockback protection. Now, I don't know how "points" are assigned to knockback powers. But I know that she's had two of those CoT Earthquake things stacked on her, and stayed standing. I'm happy with that.
In Health, I slotted a Miracle: Recovery, which increases endurance recovery by 15% for 120 seconds. Since Health is a passive, (I'm pretty sure) that's 120 seconds off, and 120 seconds on.
Prestige Power Rush (the Veteran Reward Spring power I use) has a Celerity +Stealth slotted in it.
There's still room for some partial sets, namely in Combustion. I plan on finishing my purple set, but each of those recipes cost somewhere between 20 and 30 million, on average, and take another 8 million for ingredients. Which is why I should be playing, and not posting.
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