Return to Neutral
- None
Regular Emotes
- Lecture
- Explain
- Disagree
- Roar
- Newspaper
- Frustrated
- Drat
- Shucks
- Sleep
- AssumePositionWall
- AlaKazam
- AlaKazamReact
- Akimbo
- Wings
- Angry
- Attack
- BatSmash
- BatSmashReact
- Backflip
- Binoculars
- Crouch
- BigWave
- OverHere
- Flip
- Research
- ResearchLow
- Down
- Bowdown
- Bow
- Sorry
- FancyBow
- ElegantBow
- Praise
- Camera
- Cellphone
- Cheer
- Rooting
- WaveFist
- Clap
- Victory
- Champion
- Winner
- TheWave
- Chicken
- CrossArms
- CurseYou
- Noooo
- Clipboard
- DropBoombox
- Boombox
- BB
- Dance
- BBDance
- BBTechnoid
- BBRaver
- BBMoveOn
- BBQuickie
- BBYellow
- BBElectroVibe
- BBLooker
- BBAltitude
- BBWindItUp
- BBBeat
- BBKickIt
- BBCatchMe
- BBShuffle
- BBJumpy
- BBDiscoFreak
- BBMeaty
- BBInfoOverload
- BBWahWah
- BBNotorious
- BBDogWalk
- BBPeace
- BBSpaz
- BBHeavyDude
- BBVenus
- Dance1
- Dance2
- Dance3
- Dance4
- Dance5
- Dance6
- DustOff
- Drink
- EatDonut
- Donut
- EatFood
- Eat
- Food
- FlippingCoin
- Fishing
- Fear
- Afraid
- Scared
- Cower
- Flashlight
- FlashlightUp
- FlashlightDown
- Flex
- FlexA
- FlexB
- FlexC
- Flex1
- Flex2
- Flex3
- Welcome
- BuzzOff
- GoAway
- Handsup
- Surrender
- HoldTorch
- Howl
- Invent
- KissIt
- GetSome
- Kneel
- Crack
- Knuckle
- Knuckles
- MartialArts
- Kata
- Laugh
- Laptop
- LaughToo
- Laugh2
- BigLaugh
- WallLean
- Ledgesit
- ListenPoliceBand
- DontAttack
- No
- Panhandle
- PeerIn
- Protest
- Hmmm
- Plotting
- Paper
- Point
- What
- Huh
- Shrug
- ReadBook
- Rock
- RollDice
- Dice
- FlipCoin
- CoinToss
- Coin
- Burp
- RaiseHand
- Stop
- Scissors
- Salute
- MilitarySalute
- AtEase
- Lotus
- Yoga
- Grief
- Score1
- Score2
- Score3
- Score4
- Score5
- Score6
- Score7
- Score8
- Score9
- Score10
- SlapReact
- Scheme
- Plot
- Sit
- SitChair1
- SitChair2
- SitChair3
- SitBench1
- SitBench2
- SitBench3
- SitBench4
- SitExecutiveChair
- SitStool
- SitTable1
- SitTable2
- Slap
- Smack
- ThreatHand
- SmackYou
- Screen
- TouchScreen
- Slash
- SlashThroat
- Talk
- YoureWelcome
- Thanks
- ThankYou
- Teabag
- DrumDance
- Hand
- TalkToHand
- JumpingJacks
- Typing
- Type
- EvilLaugh
- ELaugh
- VillainLaugh
- VillainousLaugh
- Muahahaha
- Waiting
- Wave
- Hi
- Whistle
- Wounded
- Yata
- YataYata
- Thumbsup
- Yes
- Nod
- Idle1
- Idle2
- BeatChest
- Tarzan
- TauntA
- Taunt1
- Taunt
- TauntB
- Taunt2
- FlyPose1
- FlyPose2
- FlyPose3
- FlyPose4
- Drum
- DrumLow
- FloatBooks
Badge Restricted Emotes
- Dice7
- ListenStolenPoliceBand
- MATablet
Wedding Booster Pack Emotes
- Propose
- Proposal
- MarryMe
- PoptheQuestion
- MarriageProposal
- ProposeMarriage
- Rice
- ThrowRice
- RiceThrow
- Confetti
- ThrowConfetti
- ConfettiThrow
- RosePetals
- ThrowRosePetals
- RosePetalsThrow
Cyborg Super Booster Pack Emotes
- RobotDance
- RoboDance
- DanceRobot
- Dance7
- PowerDown
- RobotPowerDown
- PowerUp
- RobotPowerUp
Magic Super Booster Pack Emotes
- Juggle
- JuggleBalls
- JuggleMagic
- JuggleFire
- JuggleElectricity
- MagicCards
- CardTrick
- CCPrestoChango
- CCLightning
- CCSpin
- CCCast
Science Super Booster Pack Emotes
- CCDrinkFormula
- CCSuperSerum
- Experiment
- MixFormula
- Calculate
Costume Change Emotes
- CCBackFlip
- CCHowl
- CCEvilLaugh
- CCSalute
Restricted Costume Change Emotes
- CCPeacebringer
- CCWarshade
- CCVanguardSigil
I assume those are... all the same? I read the list and at first I thought, "I never knew there were so many emotes." In any case, I think I'll spend a time testing a few ones I didn't knew from the whole list. Thanks for it :)
I would guess they're the same, yeah. I think there are a few that just have different wording, but are the same emote. Though, I haven't tested it, so I couldn't say for absolutely sure.
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