Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oh, Right...

I was going to post this like two weeks ago, but I kept forgetting, and now it's not new anymore... But I was reading a post on the forums, which made me remember, and maybe not everyone's seen it already, so...
Leaked Magic Super Booster Costumes


pauloddr said...

Thanks for the link, I hadn't seen them before. :)

The costume set doesn't look like something I was expecting. As someone in that thread mentioned, it's a "slutty witch" set, not a "sorceress" set. I hope the male version is, uh, different somehow.

The Vagabond said...

I want to see the "bat-in-the-butt" bottoms available for men. I've got a concept that work...

...okay, I couldn't even finish typing that with a straight face. :D