I've been playing a lot over the past two weeks or so. I blame the Winter Lords. Two merits per kill, and a kill takes maybe two minutes. Mo has about 150 merits just from that, blaster-Jez had enough for her -KB IO, plus about 80 merits left over. Fyre had a few, and so did Tresa. Tresa and blaster-Jez also got the Toy Collector badge. I had enough candy canes for 6 of the Winter's Gift unique IO, plus assorted auras, badges, snow beasts and snow balls. Of course, now that the Winter Event is over, Paragon City seems bare and quiet.
Mo (Maurelle Ferrishyn, emp/sonic defender) got from 33 to 37. It's been awhile since I did any real dedicated emp'ing, and it's still just as mind-numbingly boring and yet difficult as ever. I had a chance to take her on an ITF yesterday, but I didn't because I'm not sure how good my twitch-heal-reflex would be with all the burst damage from the Romans. I do want to try it, but maybe not until I've had a little more practice again. Or with a PuG that I don't care if they die or not. One or the other.
Blaster-Jez, who I haven't mentioned here until today, is level 34 as of last night. It is the same character as my DB/WP... who got to 50 like two or three months ago, but I don't think I've mentioned that here... Mostly, I created her because I wanted an archery blaster. I had one way back when, before the archery buffs that came with i9 or i10. She was archery/energy, but since I have an energy/energy blaster (Raven Hex, level 37, who may or may not be getting deleted sometime soon, because I just don't like all the KB in energy, as much as I try to work around it), I didn't want to duplicate needlessly, so I thought I'd try Devices.
With the Devices secondary, it's like playing something completely different from a blaster. None of the other blaster secondaries, or really anything else in the game except the CoV equivalent, plays anything like it. I am officially amused. Maybe too amused, judging from some of the trip mine fields I've made. And level 35 is Time Bomb, which may be a bad sign for that.
Vagz and I teamed blaster-Jez and blaster-Will up a few times, once with Keen's psi blaster, Neverminder (whose name I still love). It was rough going at first, but we're definitely getting the hang of it. And RP-wise, they get along just fine. They have pretty similar personalities, so unless something weird happens, there shouldn't be any conflicts. And half-way through that sentence, I stopped because I realized I jinxed myself. "Something weird"
always happens. We'll have to see, I guess.
The shield duo is... okay. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad. The shield set is... okay. There's nothing particularly outstanding about it. If I was starting a scrapper from scratch again, I don't think I'd pick it. There's nothing it does remarkably well, and there are other sets that do about everything it does better. It's got some visibly flashy stuff, like Shield Charge, but I've always been more into substance over style. I'd take WP over Shield any day. Broadsword is fine, but I've already done Katana, and it's basically the same set with a few minor differences between speed and damage. BS does a little more damage, Katana's a little faster. Otherwise, same powers, different swords.
RP-wise... well, Tresa's a little hard to play. She's incredibly level, as far as her temperament goes. She's very intelligent (way more than I am, so any dumb mistakes she makes should always be attributed to the player), very logical. She has... well, I hate to say she has no sense of humor. I mean, I really hate to say it. But she's definitely not the type to make jokes or really get jokes. There will be no humorous, borderline sarcastic comments coming from her.... unless I slip. She's very goal-oriented. She's a techno-mage who ended up in this dimension by mistake. A dimension which, by her standards, is incredibly technologically backward, with a really odd political-social-economic standards. She hates that she made a mistake at all, much less that it had such big consequences for her, and with that along with the responsibilities she has in her world, she's practically obsessed with getting back home. Less obsessed now that she's made
another mistake and found that the process she began to get back to her world will take approximately thirty years. It's taken some of the immediacy out of it for her, but she's still working on that particular process, and searching for another way back.
Sometimes it seems like you have to work on character and the details about that character, like the world they come from, family, personality, everything. But with Tresa, once I had a very vague idea, everything about her was just right there. I would have made her... a little less rigid if I could have, but that's not how she is. She's brave, and smart, and tough, all of which I can appreciate, but she's still... kind of boring.
Speaking of characters that are difficult to RP... try an older-than-time fallen Angel with partial, occasional amnesia who's running around the Rogue Isles with a totally clueless clone. Okay, first, what the hell was I thinking with that character? I don't know! She's over two years old in the game, but most of her RP details were theoretical, rather than actually played. The "amnesia" part was meant to make her easier to play, actually. If there's something I don't know that she would, she just "forgot." Cheating? Absolutely. I didn't expect it to come up very often, though. But it was meant for that, and to explain why she didn't talk like a grade-schooler in the church Christmas nativity play, and instead more or less like everyone else. I try to keep her from slang, though, and give her a little bit of problem with modern concepts. The few times that I RPed her before her new duo (which is her, dark/pain corrupter, and Vagz's Retrieval rad/pain corrupter, who is a Crey Paragon Protector clone with a very familiar face), she didn't have to talk a whole lot, or even interact much. Now, she's sort of baby-sitting the clueless clone, and she's fallen into the role of sort of wise, Zen-like teacher. Sorta. Instead of giving Retrieval answers, she likes to ask him questions and get him to give the answers himself. She's trying to get him to think for himself. It's hard to tell at this point whether it's working or not, but it seems like it might be. She has a soft spot, such as it is, for humans, which is what got her kicked out of Hell... but not what got her kicked out of Heaven in the first place. She's more of a developing character than Tresa is. Her basic background is laid out, but her personality is more fluid. Which really is part of her character.... sorta.
Other than all that, I've been remodeling the base, again. We finally earned the super-group healing badge that opens up plans for the Auto Doc, or the arcane version, the Tree of Wonders. I wanted to add that. It buys recipes, salvage, and inspirations, and sells small blues and greens. (Which I found in a pinch, you can just buy three of one or the other, and turn them into what you need. Like break-frees.... stupid psi spiders and their stuns... ) But when I went to put it out, suddenly all the power in the base went out. Oops? To make a very long process into a short story, I had to craft the next size in energy... things, and buy the next step up in control... things. And add rooms for them. And buy the next bigger plot size to fit those rooms in. But, now we have... more rooms. And, the Tree of Wonders next to the rez ring (in a new room), and a total of eight teleporters, with 16 total destinations. Four of which are in a new room. I can picture the Atlas recruitment slogan already. "Eight teleporters to 16 zones, a rez ring, a Tree of Wonders, vault storage, invention table, buff creation table, and more!" Uh, no. But, hey, but if anyone has any alts they want to add... especially alts that will heal in SG mode, because that next healing badge for the upgraded Tree of Wonders is far, FAR away... we have space! ... uh, anyway.
With all of that, is it any wonder that I'm enjoying letting Jez make things go boom just a little too much?