Monday, August 11, 2008

Mary-Sue Test

Just something I found by clicking around. The Universal Mary-Sue Litmus Test. There is a section for RPG games, and I think you can make it apply for CoH. Even if you don't go by their scoring, I think you can still use it to measure: If you're laughing by the end, you're probably okay. If you're getting pissed off by the end, you might wanna rethink some things.

Oh, and while I'm throwing out semi-random links, see if you can get this to work: Song Tapper. Nifty concept, but it doesn't seem to find my songs. As usual, I blame my keyboard.


pauloddr said...

Interesting. Stronghold scored 39 on a first test run (because I did not know what exactly a "cannon" character was and clicked a few stuff over there) and 29 on the second run.

... I think he's safe. :P

pauloddr said...

... okay, one more run after re-reading the instructions (yeah, I mistakenly checked he was a "flier in a groundbound environment"...) and 21 was the score this time.

I know, I'm losing so much time with this. But I like it. :D