Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Off-Topic of the Week

In my morning internet rounds, I came across the most depressing newspaper article ever. Aside from the topic, what strikes me is that it's an AP story, not something from some rinky-dink paper no one's ever heard of. The AP needs to put this guy back on his meds, and not let him write until they kick back in.

But just two stories under where I found that link, I found this. Kinda makes you forget all that doom and gloom for at least four and a half minutes.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

Also, interesting to note that Blogger thinks that "internet" is a misspelled word.

1 comment:

The Vagabond said...

I saw that article in some of random lunch-hour browsing. I agree with you. Someone needs to get this guy some help.

And I loved that video. Very fun. :)