I haven't been posting too much about the Patron Arcs. Like I've said before, I know a lot of people haven't done them, and I don't want to give too much away and ruin it. But, since Vagz already let the (lol)cat out of the bag, I'll admit it... Fyre destroys the entire world. It's true. Maybe. In the Time After Time arc, your character, as the Destined One, is the cause of the destruction of the world. I've had plans to use that arc to tie up some loose ends in Fyre's story (which I haven't done yet, I've only hinted at things). The arc fit the vague ideas I had entirely too well for me not to take advantage of it.
So, Fyre destroys the entire world. Maybe. I say "maybe" because we all know how fluid the future is, thanks to Lord Mender Nemesis Silos, and practically every other sci-fi-fantasy-time-travel story out there. All we can really say for sure is that in some dimension in some future, Fyre at one time destroyed the entire world. Let's just address the possibility that Fyre destroys the world. Does that make people/characters who blamed all sort of things on Fyre right? I'll admit here that I had an unexpected and emotional reaction when I came up with and followed that train of thought. So, I won't bother to type her and my very short two-word final reply to that. But I would imagine that anyone who finds out about her part in the impending world destruction and has issues with her might want to stay out of her way, as they're more than likely going first.
Vagz's pictures are much better than mine, but I have a few, too, anyway because the map is awesome enough to warrant more.
Okay, here's my question: Those picnic benches look wooden, right? So, uh, how are they still there?
On second thought... Will did it! He ended the world! It's all his fault!
Fyre also beat the crap out of Citadel. Will did help. I have proof.
I'm not entirely sure what happened there, but I'll bet it hurt for everyone involved.

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