I like this picture. But illustrates something that irritates me, a bit. The temporary power auras. I suppose the endurance boost, here, is worth it, but... it says it lasts three days of game play. I swear, it's been there a month.

My goth fairy come out a little more punk than goth, but close enough. Maurelle Ferrishyn. Maurelle means "dark and elfin." Ferrishyn is a clan of fairies from the Isle of Man, who have no queen or king. Anarchist fairies? Perfect. Call her "Mo," and not "fairy." She's been around humans enough to know what to expect, more or less, but not enough to, say, know immediately what a television program is. She's fascinated by Penetincy, and especially Dunk. She likes Will, now, because his ancestors were Welsh, and he has a healthy respect of the fae, thanks to what his grandmother told him about them.

The death picture! Poor Mo.

Scarlette was able to get this mission from her contact, and she and Jack Royale tackled it. I love this mission. Here, Scarlette weed-whacking. Below, one of the more scenic parts of the mission

Part of on of the RWZ missions that Fyre and Will did. I still love the maps.

Villain Fyre and Will hit 35 last week. They decided to let Fyre play tour-guide in the RWZ, from the hero side. Fyre makes much better back-up as a hero. Actually, Will and the guys could sit in the corner and play cards while Fyre took care of the Rikti. Will's not very comfortable in the zone, though, so that seems to comfort him.
Fyre can be very understanding and generous when she has cause. She's very loyal to her friends, and protective of them, as well. In some cases, like with Mason, that can get her in trouble. She doesn't expect to be stabbed in the back for it, as almost literally in Mason's case, but neither does she expect those motivations or actions to be returned, as in Will's case. She's being kind and trying to help Will because she thinks he deserves it, not because she expects him to help her in a similar situation or because she wants anything else from him. She would, however, never expect the same treatment from anyone else. Experience has shown her to expect the very opposite.
Will and Fyre had started talking Fyre's mother and her ex-fiance in Pocket D last night before Mason and Keen Stronghold showed up. Fyre probably didn't want to have to tell the story, anyway, so she may have been almost grateful for the interruption. Fyre and Will have been hanging out after "work" on occasion, either at the Giza or at Pocket D. In a strictly platonic "co-workers" fashion. If Fyre knew Mason still assumed that she was "cheating" on E with Will, she'd laugh. Will's boys have made comments here and there about what Will feels about Fyre, but it's been vague and far between enough that, coupled with Will's mentions of his dead wife, that Fyre hasn't given it a second thought. Or at least not a third.

Speaking of the dead wife, Will asked Fyre to go with him to Baumton, better knowns as Boomtown. He hadn't been back since it was destroyed when the Rikti first attacked five years ago. (Yes, the initial Rikti attacks actually occurred in 2002, according to the offical timeline. The Rikti Invasion at the end of the CoH beta was a game-mechanic event, not a "canon" event.) I've been through Boomtown dozens of times, with a gamer-view. Looking at it with an RP-view, with Will's story as a guide, it "looks" a lot different. For once, I turned the music off, while Fyre and I followed Will through the destruction of his home, where his family, friends, and practically everyone he knew died. It was a different perspective, to say the least.
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