I’ll save most of my comments for the end. This was the night after E and Fyre talked and argued about Fyre’s Kheldian merger. Did I need to post the whole thing? Well, not necessarily, but I could, so I did.
E.VAC: Fyre.
Obsydian Fyre: No.
E.VAC: ...no?
Obsydian Fyre: Your "Fyre," Alexandra, isn't here right now.
E.VAC: Alexandra is dead.
Obsydian Fyre: To you, if you choose. In reality, she's angry and hurt, and has chosen not to deal with you anymore. She's pushed me to the forefront, which I hadn't realized she was strong enough to do.
E.VAC: If she had lived, she would have found a way to help me when I needed her most.
Obsydian Fyre: You're ascribing powers to her that she never possessed, such as reading the future and minds, it appears.
E.VAC: I called out to her again and again. Unleashed my pain. My fear. My love. My need. She would've known I was in trouble when I didn't return on time. She would've come looking for me.
E.VAC: She would've heard me.
Obsydian Fyre: She doesn't possess the type of mind powers that you do. Absolutely none. And, even if you were capable of causing her to hear you, which I find unlikely, she spent over a week drugged, both to ease her physical pain, and to prevent her from acting out her fear and causing herself harm by leaving the hospital.
E.VAC: Look, Serra... if that is your name... I told you where we stand last night. You're not in my head. You can't convert me with your lies.
Obsydian Fyre: As you say, then. I have no cause to lie to you, and no real wish to discuss your issues with you. My only concern is for Alexandra.
E.VAC: Oh, yeah. You Warshades. Famous for your self-sacrifice.
Obsydian Fyre: I would think you of all people, with your history such as it is, would be more sympathetic. I am beginning to see that you are not as Alexandra had come to believe that you were.
E.VAC: You don't know a thing about me, squid.
Obsydian Fyre: Nor do I care to. My role here is as an observer. I had planned to accomplish that differently, but Alexandra has caused my plans to change. The result will be the same, but the method changed.
E.VAC: Like I care about your plans.
E.VAC: You killed the woman I loved.
Obsydian Fyre: I was able to save Alexandra when no one else was able. I don't expect praise from you for that, but nor did I expect outrage and hatred. Losing her is a result of your actions, however.
E.VAC: You didn't save her. You raped her. Tricked her into accepting you into her mind. Something she would *never* have done. Saving her would've been a trip to the hospital.
E.VAC: And now you dare to wear her face and speak with her voice and pass judgment on me.
Obsydian Fyre: I pass no judgment. I'm simply explaining the effect of your actions.
E.VAC: I gave everything to help Alexandra. I did everything I could to keep her alive under the most dire of circumstances. And in my hour of greatest need... she wasn't there. Because you *took* her from me.
E.VAC: A woman who wouldn't so much as let me share her emotions is sharing head-space with a space-squid.
Obsydian Fyre: You have been told of the occurrences that lead to my merging with Alexandra. If you choose not to believe the facts that were presented to you, that is your decison.
E.VAC: I believe every part of it except where you climbing into her skull and whispering things into her brain was the only way to save her.
Obsydian Fyre: You have experience with the Malta group. You should see the probability of what occurred.
E.VAC: I've saved dozens of lives on the brink of death. Fyre's more often than most. You're trying to feed a line of BS to someone who knows a little something about the subject.
Obsydian Fyre: You believe Malta incapable of killing one of Paragon's heroes?
E.VAC: I believe that if there was one way of saving her life, then there were others. And Kheldian-bonding isn't in any medical procedure I've ever heard of.
E.VAC: I find it much more likely you'd been stalking Fyre. Coveting her body and her power for yourself.
E.VAC: Now whether you set up the ambush yourself or just saw it as a great opportunity, I may never know. But either way... I find it very likely you did this to her.
Obsydian Fyre: I had not been planning on sharing my own theory with you, human, but your accusations leave me little care. I believe you are motivated simply by guilt and jealousy. And more close-mindedness than you humans normally possess.
E.VAC: Must be great to be so superior to us.
Obsydian Fyre: To the human race as a whole, no. Merely different.
E.VAC: Well. At least you're not pretending to be her any more. That's a step.
Obsydian Fyre: As I have informed you, she is currently forcing me to be the primary personality. I can only hope this is a temporary situation.
E.VAC: Mm-hm.
E.VAC: So are we beating up badguys today? Or just lecturing me?
Obsydian Fyre: I don't believe lecturing you for an eternity would aid Alexandra in any way, shape, or form, so I have no wish to do so.
Obsydian Fyre: "Beating up bad guys" appears to be the best course of action, until the situation changes.
E.VAC: Great. So where're we going?
Obsydian Fyre: I will be continuing Alexandra's quest to rescue the Warshade known as Shadowcatcher. If you can control your hatred, I believe the aid of one with powers such as yours will make that quest easier.
Obsydian Fyre: If, however, you feel the need to excuse yourself, I will continue on my own.
E.VAC: Like I said last night: I'm on your side. Just don't expect us to be friends. Ever.
Obsydian Fyre: I have no wish to be friends with you. I will seek to absent Alexandra and myself from you as soon as possible. I believe your presence is the cause of Alexandra's retreat, and I wish to reverse that.
E.VAC: Whatever.
Obsydian Fyre: However, that must wait until the current objective is reached.
The conversation runs throughout the mission here. The Circle of Thorns has forced a
seperation between the Kheldian, Shadowcatcher, and his human host, Lars Mendelson
[NPC]Lars Mendelson: Thank you, Obsydian Fyre! I must tell you what they've done!
E.VAC: Hmm...
E.VAC eyes Fyre speculatively
Obsydian Fyre: You, however, believe Alexandra to be dead, and so unable to be separated. Lars Mendelson also appears to be in a great deal of pain, mentally and possibly physically. I would expect your empathetic nature to recognize that.
E.VAC: Hacking off piece of flesh hurts, too. Yet medical science now allows us to remove dangerous growths and repair damaged bodies.
E.VAC: ...provided you don't mangle this one.
Guess I got a little reckless!
Obsydian Fyre: You claim to believe that Alexandra is dead and only I reside in this body. You appear to be contradicting yourself.
E.VAC: Enh, whatever. Probably a stupid idea anyway.
Obsydian Fyre: Also, I understood that you had a vehement dislike of the Circle of Thorns, yet you seem to be advocating their methods.
E.VAC: Their methods? Hell no. They're at the leech end of medicine.
E.VAC: Sometimes a good idea is a good idea, regardless of source.
Obsydian Fyre: A means to an end. My previous comrades, the Nictus, would approve of your thoughts.
E.VAC: It's not like I'd be taking a human life. Or even an innocent one.
Obsydian Fyre: No. Though you do have experience in that area.
E.VAC: Yeah. And? I'm up front with it. Are you?
Obsydian Fyre: I am an observer, not a destroyer. I have previously forced two mergings with humans, long before you walked this planet, when I did not understand humans and thought them an inferior life form.
E.VAC: So you've never killed? Not even another Kheldian?
Obsydian Fyre: I have had no wish to or need to. I have observed many conflicts, but have not participated.
E.VAC: Yeah, right.
E.VAC: Pull the other one.
Obsydian Fyre: I see how you may find that difficult to accept, given your history.
E.VAC: My history? I've gone toe-to-toe with Nictus, Galaxy, War Wolf, Vampyr... hell, I fought Requiem, possibly the grand-daddy of your kind.
E.VAC: I think there's far more reason to distrust you than to trust you. Even aside from the current personal issues.
Obsydian Fyre: And how many innocents have you killed, previous to your forced conversion, healer?
E.VAC: It's a matter of public record. My criminal file holds the complete list.
E.VAC: The real question is: do you mean how many died because of what I did? Or how many have I personally killed?
Obsydian Fyre: It matters little, nor do I care. Alexandra was able to look past your criminal history, but your treatment and betrayal of her was too much to overlook.
E.VAC: My* betrayal of *her*!? Of everyone in her life and around her, I was always there! I gave her everything I had! Heart! Soul! Hell, I did everything but die for her, though that was a near miss more than a couple times!
E.VAC: I needed her to be there ONCE. Just. Once. And she wasn't. And it's because of *you*.
Obsydian Fyre: I see that you have been traumatized by recent occurrences, perhaps as much as Alexandra was. However, I cannot see how you place the blame at her feet.
E.VAC: I don't. I place it at yours.
E.VAC: or the anatomical equivalent.
Obsydian Fyre: My place is not to understand, and I care little for your thoughts or opinions. Alexandra, due to her human nature and enforced social values, does.
E.VAC: But she cares for yours more. A complete stranger.
Obsydian Fyre: You are mistaken, human. Alexandra no more desired the merging than I did, but had little choice. Death was not an acceptable substitute.
E.VAC: Yeah. And you took advantage of that situation. Convinced her that accepting you was the only alternative to death.
]E.VAC: Except now, she might as well *be* dead. Since she's not the same person any more. Just your little chauffeur.
E.VAC: Tell me: how long did you have to whisper in her head before you had her convinced you were female?
E.VAC: Or did you borrow from the female authority figures that have tortured her her entire life, knowing it'd be easier to control her that way?
Obsydian Fyre: You are making judgments from a perspective that makes it impossible for you to understand the situation you describe, and your own prejudices are coloring your judgment.
E.VAC: you can't sway 'em with logic, dazzle them with BS. You swallow a dictionary?
Obsydian Fyre: Taking the first part of your illogical argument, what knowledge of yours convinces you that Alexandra is not the same person she was?
E.VAC: I knew her for months. You've had, what? Days? You can probably dip into her memories or something, but not a word or gesture you've made since I got back has been the Alexandra I knew.
Obsydian Fyre: Is it your all-spanning knowledge of the variances of human Kheldian merger? The time you spent with her since her own merger?
Obsydian Fyre: I believe your anger at your own situation and the depth of guilt you feel from Alexandra's experiences blinded you to her in the few hours you have spent with her recently.
E.VAC: Two telling points, squid: she wasn't there when I needed her and she... you haven't shown an ounce of compassion for what I went through.
Obsydian Fyre: I have no compassion for you, human. I may have, if I had not heard of and experienced your actions for the past few days. Alexandra may have had some for you, had you not presented her only with your anger and disgust.
E.VAC: Yeah, you're such a saint.
E.VAC: I noticed how much compassion you were showing Mason.
E.VAC: I'm surprised he didn't fall down from the caring and affection.
Obsydian Fyre: I believe Alexandra is perplexed by Masonry's condition, as am I. I also believe that Alexandra and Masonry reached a type of understanding between themselves. I would imagine Masonry has no complaints, nor the anger that you possess about the current situation.
E.VAC: Mason had a chance to build up to what happened to him. He'd accepted it long before.
E.VAC: I crave your highness' pardon if the fact that my own... experience kinda... snuck up on me.
Obsydian Fyre: Yes, I agree, from what I know.
Obsydian Fyre: As did Alexandra's.
E.VAC: Yet, oddly... her compassion... or more accurately, yours... was for the one who... oh! Had bonded with a Kheldian. How odd.
Obsydian Fyre: Yet your attitude lacks not only compassion, but also adds anger and disgust, adding to whatever pain, physical or emotional, that Alexandra may be experiencing.
E.VAC: So instead of bonding over the suddenness and shock, you chose to bond with the one who's now a Kheldian. Like you.
Obsydian Fyre: Alexandra felt a kinship with Masonry over the Kheldian merger. But she also felt a bond with the one who accepted her as she is, and did not look on her with fear, anger, and disgust.
E.VAC: So sorry for freaking out over the alien squid that's now possessing my friend.
E.VAC: I should've jumped right into your tentacles and embraced you.
Obsydian Fyre: Insincere apologies and sarcasm directed at me accomplish nothing.
E.VAC: Oh, I beg to differ. They make me feel pretty good.
E.VAC: And I'll bet, deep down in a place you're not ready to show yet, it's pissing you off, too.
Obsydian Fyre: If a selfish need to improve your mood by causing the woman you, occasionally, claim to care for and love is your goal, you succeed last night.
E.VAC: You are not her. That person I spoke to last night was not her.
Obsydian Fyre: I am not her. Correct. She is hiding in a place I cannot access because she was unable to accept your rejection on top of her most recent traumas. The person you spoke to last night was her. I do not know if you'll ever get the chance to speak with her again, however.
E.VAC: It can't be. 'Cause if it is... was... no. It can't be. It just... just can't.
Obsydian Fyre: I would ask you again what true facts make you believe that is so. However, I believe you to be too unreasonable to answer the question honestly.
E.VAC: IT CAN'T BE!! Don't you get it? Your vast alien intellect? If you're still her... if she's still alive...
E.VAC falls to his knees
Obsydian Fyre watches impassively.
E.VAC: ...then she was right about me... I'm not strong enough... I couldn't be there... I didn't... can't...
E.VAC: I failed...
E.VAC: Failed her... failed myself... failed Jen... failed Mason...
Obsydian Fyre: You were unable to aid Alexandra at a critical point. I believe she reasonably knows and accepts that. However, continuing to fail her and others is your choice.
E.VAC starts to lunge at Fyre... but stops short, blinking, jaw dropped open...
Obsydian Fyre watches curiously, and stops talking, waiting.
E.VAC collapses backward on the grass
Obsydian Fyre: I am not her. And I am glad she was not here to witness that.
E.VAC: ...I failed... failed... he was right... she was right... failed... failed... failed...
E.VAC rocks back and forth, eyes unfocused.
Obsydian Fyre continues to watch impassively, showing no reaction.
E.VAC stops and sits up straight
E.VAC: Sorry there. Must've zoned out for a sec. We done here or what?
Obsydian Fyre narrows her eyes ever so slightly in thought.
Obsydian Fyre: Do you recall the previous few minutes of interaction?
E.VAC: Of course. You made some snarky comment about making myself feel better by making you feel bad.
E.VAC frowns in thought for a moment
Obsydian Fyre: Ah. You're missing time.
E.VAC: I'm what? Did we go through a portal or something? Or a Madness Mage?
E.VAC leaps up lightly and looks around
Obsydian Fyre: No. I believe the cause may be due to your trauma, or your inability to accept the current situation, or perhaps by the experiments you recently endured.
Obsydian Fyre: I have no way to know, however.
E.VAC:...riiight... I think I'd remember if I was suffering blackouts.
E.VAC:...you know what I mean.
Obsydian Fyre: Your medical training and your common sense, assuming you posses such, should tell you otherwise.
E.VAC: I mean the Longbow guys would've said something. Or the doctors. Why wouldn't they share any symptoms I was exhibiting with me?
Obsydian Fyre: I'm certain I cannot begin to guess their motives, nor would I attempt to, assuming of course they observed such symptoms.
Obsydian Fyre: You begin to weary me, human. This was not the agreement I reached with Alexandra.
E.VAC: I've been told I have that effect.
E.VAC looks distant for just a moment...
E.VAC: On the other hand, you can probably still use my help. Get back your buddy from the Thorns.
Obsydian Fyre: I would share with you your actions of which you've forgotten, but you would not believe anything I had to say or show you, so I will not.
E.VAC hesitates
E.VAC: You'd probably be making it up anyway.
Obsydian Fyre: If your mental abilities were stronger, I believe my thoughts are close enough to the surface now that Alexandra has retreated that you could read directly from my mind. I do not imagine your abilites will let this occur, however.
E.VAC sighs heavily.
E.VAC: I'm not a mind-reader. Just an empath.
E.VAC: The most I'd get is how you feel about what you're trying to show me. And hell, I might not even get that.
E.VAC: You Khelds don't feel the same way humans do. Throws off my powers a bit.
Obsydian Fyre appears to think for a moment, and then looks at E.VAC curiously.
Obsydian Fyre: You told Alexandra once that you could feel a lie. Correct?
E.VAC frowns a little
E.VAC: Yeah, most the time. I'm about as accurate as a polygraph.
E.VAC: Why?
Obsydian Fyre: Why did you not use that ability when you spoke to Alexandra last night?
Obsydian Fyre: Or as you speak to me currently?
E.VAC: Becau...
E.VAC: I've never used it on her. Any use of my powers on her made her flinch. So I had to be as light and unintrusive as possible while still protecting and healing her.
E.VAC: I've gotten so used to holding my empathic nose around her... the thought never occurred to me.
E.VAC chuckles darkly
E.VAC: You think I reacted with digust to you, squid. You should dive into those memories and see how disgusted she was about my powers.
Obsydian Fyre: With ample reason, human. Alexandra was a very traumatized young woman when you met her. She had begun to heal, but I fear you have put her further back in her recovery than she has ever been.
E.VAC: She... you didn't exactly put a Band-Aid on my scars either.
Obsydian Fyre: And still when a possible solution to the current difficulty has arise, you think only of yourself.
E.VAC: Ah, now see... she'd never willingly allow me to scan her. She'd be repulsed by the very idea, even before all... this.
E.VAC frowns
Obsydian Fyre: She has chosen to relinquish control to me, for the moment. I believe any fear she may have of your mental abilities is outweighed by the damage the current situation is causing.
E.VAC: ...but... if you're not her... then why not just go ahead, get the truth, see what happens. Why am I hesitating?
E.VAC: But what if I'm wrong? Then I'd be doing the worst thing I could possibly do to her...
E.VAC: Is the knowing worth the... the doing?
Obsydian Fyre: The worst thing? I am not sure anything is worse than what you have done and are doing.
E.VAC: ...or maybe this is some kind of trick. You know I have trouble reading alien minds. What if you can just show me what you want me to see? Then I'd just be damning myself *and* falling into your trap.
Obsydian Fyre studies E.VAC for a long moment.
Obsydian Fyre: It is possible for me to become dormant. She would lose all the abilities she gained as a Warshade, and I will be all but nonexistent.
E.VAC: I, uh... I don't know what to do.
E.VAC looks a little confused.
E.VAC: You mentioned that the other day. Why is it important now?
Obsydian Fyre: If you claim to have difficulty to read Kheldian thoughts, there should be no Kheldian left to interfere.
E.VAC: Emotions. I read emotions.
Obsydian Fyre: As you say.
E.VAC: And no. That'd be worse. I'd be reading the part of you that's still her. And I won't do that. She wouldn't want me to.
Obsydian Fyre: And yet you claim she no longer exists.
E.VAC glares at Fyre
E.VAC: Not helping.
Obsydian Fyre: Simply pointing out the flaws in your logic, since you seem to be unable to see them.
E.VAC: How about this: in your Nova form, you're just about as close to being pure Kheldian as you can be without seperation. I'll take my chances with my ability or inability to read you... and we'll go from there.
E.VAC: That way I'm not breaking my promise to never read her.
Obsydian Fyre: Simple enough. As you wish, then.
E.VAC winces a little
E.VAC: Okay...
E.VAC swallows hard
E.VAC: I'm, uh... going to try and... um... eliminate as much interferences as, uh... as possible.
E.VAC: Are you... do you agree to this?
Obsydian Fyre: As long as you do no harm to Alexandra or myself, do as you will.
E.VAC: Well, barring any weirdness, this shouldn't hurt a bit.
E.VAC: Breaking new ground and all that.
Obsydian Fyre: I will warn you, however.
Obsydian Fyre: As you have no reason to trust me, I have none to trust you. If you attempt any harm, I will stop you.
E.VAC reluctantly strips off his gloves and rolls up his sleeves. His arms are criss-crossed with burns, needle-marks, and ugly green scars.
E.VAC: Kind of expected that. No worries.
E.VAC gently... no, reluctantly lowers his hands onto the Nova-form's "head".
0E.VAC: Okay... um... talk to me. Tell me something boring.
Obsydian Fyre: Something boring? What do you consider boring? The climate of this place, perhaps? The sound of the birds here?
E.VAC sighs impatiently
Obsydian Fyre: Your thought processes are not mine, human. Explain yourself.
E.VAC: Just pick something. A verifiable fact, maybe.
E.VAC: What is the color of the rock over there?
Obsydian Fyre: The rock is grey, with streaks of brown.
E.VAC: Okay. Are my hands warm or cold?
Obsydian Fyre: Your hands are within the variable of human temperature, slighty toward what you would call warm.
E.VAC chuckles in spite of himself
E.VAC: Okay, what's your name?
Obsydian Fyre: My name is--
Obsydian Fyre makes a series of unintelligible sounds.
E.VAC blinks
Obsydian Fyre: Which in human languages would most resemble Cal'Thle'Serra.
Obsydian Fyre: Translated to English, the closest wording would be Obsidian Fire.
E.VAC: Huh.
E.VAC: Okay. Umm... now...
E.VAC take a deep breath and blows it back out
E.VAC: Tell me what happened to Alexandra.
Obsydian Fyre: Specify the time frame.
E.VAC mutters under his breath
E.VAC: Tell me how you first found her.
Obsydian Fyre: I was observing the beings you call Devouring Earth on a small island near the place you call Talos. I observed several different types of light flashes in the distance. As I came closer, I heard shouting and explosions. I found a group of humans, with one fighting the rest. That one fell as I approached, and the others left.
E.VAC stands statue-still, though his skin pales a shade or two
Obsydian Fyre: Shall I continue?
E.VAC: ...then what?
Obsydian Fyre: I believed that one to be dead, and I approached to learn more. I saw the human still breathed, though the body was extensively damaged. The breathing stopped, and the human died.
E.VAC makes a strangled noise in his throat.
Obsydian Fyre: Using a power I now know is referred to as the "rise of the phoenix," the human, who I now know as Alexandra, revived herself, but lacked the ability to heal her body. She had seconds before a second, final death occured.
Obsydian Fyre: Using a rudimentary bonding technique, I was able to make myself known to her, and she somewhat to me. I was unwilling to cause her death by inaction, and so offered to merge with her, and share my power in order to allow her to keep her life.
Obsydian Fyre: After the bonding, I was able to use my own power and what remained of hers to get the body to a more populate area, where someone-- I am unaware of whom-- found the body and took it to the nearest medical facility.
E.VAC does not move, but tears shine in his eyes
E.VAC almost whispers:
E.VAC: Why didn't she come for me?
Obsydian Fyre: The body was extensively damaged, as I said. Also, as you know, Alexandra has an extreme fear of hospitals. As soon as she regained consciousness, she attempted to leave the hospital, doing herself more damage. The medical personnel were forced to use drugs to subdue her until she was healed enough to be discharged.
Obsydian Fyre: Two days before she met you on the train platform. Upon her release, she attempted to contact you, and was unable to do so. She believed that you simply did not return her calls. She had no way of knowing of your detainment, and assumed you had returned as planned.
E.VAC: That was when Longbow found me...
E.VAC: ...that was right after... right after I failed...
E.VAC: I couldn't take it any more... he was right... they were all right... nobody was coming... he would end the pain... all I had to do was call him ma.... call him...
E.VAC yanks his hands back as though burned.
E.VAC: ...change back.
Obsydian Fyre: Have you come to your conclusion, then?
E.VAC: Please... let me see her...
E.VAC continues in a quiet, near-whisper...
E.VAC: I am sorry... I failed you... I failed... I wasn't strong enough... didn't love you enough... didn't have power enough...
Obsydian Fyre: Stop, human.
Obsydian Fyre: I wish not to hear your confessions, or whatever you may clasify them.
Obsydian Fyre: Alexandra perhaps should. Perhaps. I doubt more than ever your suitability for her. However, I believe the choice should be hers.
E.VAC: No. She was right about me all along. And you're right about me now.
E.VAC: He broke me, Serra. In the end... before Longbow got there... I called him... I called him "master".
Obsydian Fyre: I fail to comprehend the consequences of such a use of a false title.
E.VAC: I gave up. On my friends... on my daughter... on everything. He told me I was not worth rescuing. And I... I believed him.
E.VAC: anything to make it stop...
E.VAC suddenly self-conscious, rolls down his sleeves and straps back on his gloves.
Obsydian Fyre: From my perspective, you now have the chance to make up for any failure, real or imagined. By choosing not to do so, the result would be continued real failure.
E.VAC: I... I don't know where to begin...
Obsydian Fyre: My role as observer has already been compromised, both my Alexandra's inaction, and my own action. Had I advice to give you, I would not. However, you are a relatively intelligent human, I suppose. I believe you may figure that out.
E.VAC: I don't suppose an apology would cover my offense to you.
Obsydian Fyre: I am not the one to whom you need to apologize. However, I do think apologies will not make up for your offenses against Alexandra.
E.VAC: No, I think I do need to apologize to you as well. Or make it up to you.
E.VAC: But yes. Apologies...
E.VAC sighs heavily
E.VAC: I know that won't be enough. Not by a long shot.
E.VAC rubs his eyes
E.VAC: Damn you for telling me the truth. And damn me for... well, never mind.
E.VAC: Guess I should let you two talk.
Obsydian Fyre: As I have said, I cannot currently reach her.
And that was the end. I think it was something like 3am, my time, so we stopped.
Let me say, I love Serra. Love, love, love. Or, I would if she was someone else’s character. She’s freakin’ hard to play. For one thing, she has no sense of humor. None. That means no dumb jokes, and not even any sarcasm. Do you know how hard that is for me? No sarcasm? Practically impossible. Mason thinks Fyre is “cold?” He should meet Serra sometime. Serra feels little and shows nothing.
The game is very stingy where it comes to information on Kheldians. You pick up some during the Kheldian arcs, and some during the Moonfire task force. I think they purposely leave a lot open for the player to decide. Nice, but it can cause some confusion. My interpretation of Warshades may not agree with, or might even completely conflict, with someone else's. In fact, odds are good that it does conflict with some, which directly conflict with yet others. I try to keep information sketchy, largely because of those things. I did the same with the Warshade I deleted, who had one of my favorite backstories, by way. I've done it, too, with my Peacebringer
Serra was a Nictus, and though, as she says, she didn’t participate in murders, or whatever other assorted atrocities the Nictus are involved in, she watched. She’s not exactly guilty, but she’s not innocent, either. She doesn’t bring the point up, but she wouldn’t deny it, either. Also, sticking with her role as an “observer,” as she says, she rarely talks to Fyre or reacts to situations.
The other tough thing is purely a flaw with me. I know big words. I’ve been known to pull them out occasionally, even. But, I don’t use them. I'm perfectly capable of using and understanding proper, formal language. But I don't. If I spoke like a text-book in my normal, day-to-day life, especially at work, people would think I was cracked. Serra, however, hardly knows slang, or informal grammar.
With all this, "breaking character" is going to happen, and quickly. Chances are good that no one will ever see Serra again. Or at least, not long, and very, very rarely.
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1 comment:
Looking back on that, there was so much of that conversation I'd forgotten. And I hadn't realized it at the time, but Serra had E pegged pretty well.
I'm disappointed we don't get to talk to Serra more often. :D
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