She's not the most survivable or the most damaging scrapper ever, but it's a good mix between the two. She tears through minions like they don't exist, and with the "no bosses solo" option, that's more than good enough. I've been playing her at x5 without breaking a sweat, and I really should go higher with that, especially seeing as how I typically pull two or three groups together. (Does that make it x10 or x15?) I've been running her through a lot of radio missions for drops. She only has a couple of sets, but quite a few uniques, like the Numina and Miracle uniques, and the Performance Shifter +endurance-- Spines/Dark Armor is very hard on endurance, so some of that was almost necessary. Fyre still has almost 2 billion influence, even after buying Eve some of those uniques, so I could buy more sets and things for Eve from that, but I'm trying to have Eve earn her own. I've done pretty much everything the game has to offer by now (except the LRSF), so setting some goals like that, and like having Fyre hit the influence cap, keeps me interested. Unfortunately, she seems to have terrible luck on drops, especially recipes, so it's taking awhile. Luckily, I have the time and, so far, the interest.
The time I've devoted to Eve is pretty odd when you factor in a few things. First, scrappers are not actually my favorite AT, even though I do have a few of them... but, then, I have a lot of alts and I favor hero-side, so I have a lot of most things. (Except tanks. *yawn*)
Second, I hate spines... or, I guess, I hated spines. They're ugly, even with the power customization, and I hate the noises. Especially Quills. Every time I'm in Wentworths, and some moron has left his/her Quills toggle on, it drives me up the wall, half the time to the point where I take my headphones off so I can't hear it. I've always hated that noise. It ranks only slightly below the puking noise from Pocket D and the poison trap as the sound I hate the most in the game. But, uh, it's a pretty useful power. The metal spines do help a lot with the look, and also with Cloak of Darkness, I can't see them at all. I can't see anything at all except for a transparent cloud of darkness. Another friend with a spines/dark has asked me, twice, why I haven't changed Cloak of Darkness so that you can actually see the character. My answer was because being a cloud of barely perceptible evil fits the character.
And that's the other reason why it's surprising that I've devoted so much time to Eve. She was never meant to be an RP character. She was never even meant to be a serious character, or one that lasted that long. I got to play around on Test a little before open beta, and I thought the metal spines looked kind of nifty. When beta went to open, I made a Spines/Dark because I don't like repeating myself from Test to Live, expecting that I would never want to use a Live character slot for it. As soon as I made the character, I knew I was wrong. I liked how it looked, and I immediately had a character concept pop into mind. That day, I made the character on Live to get a headstart for when power customization went live. Still, I expected it to just be something to amuse me when nothing else interesting was going on. But I kept liking it, and the character concept got clearer, until I actually wrote a bio. And she leveled fast. And then Vagz and I decided to pair her for a few missions with the Vagabond character. That was... three weeks ago? And that's pretty much the only duo we've played since.
Her bio isn't very complex:
A creation of pure, malevolent black magic, Eve was created by a sorcerer to kill his enemies. However, very shortly after her creation, the sorcerer was killed by those enemies, before he could continue Eve's instructions. MAGI was called to clear the sorcerer's more dangerous experiments, and found Eve. MAGI has, so far, been able to control her and overcome her origin, but no one knows for how long.So, yeah. She wants to kill everyone, to one degree or another, but in a very impersonal way. Yes, she wants to kill you, but that doesn't make you special or interesting to her, at all. The more powerful or the more magic, the more she wants to kill, and maybe the more interested it makes her. But, MAGI... "helped" her by giving her a chain that binds her from harming everyone but villains. (Hey, it's magic. Let's just say a wizard did it, and move on. Though I do have an origin story for the chain floating around that I'll get around to polishing and posting.) Without that immediate urge overwhelming everything else, her personality has been allowed to expand, and her knowledge and experience has grown. The homicidal urge has been suppressed, but it's important to note that it's still there. It's just easier for her to ignore, some times more than others.
Eve is one of the more interesting characters I've played, mostly because she absolutely has a mind of her own. Her decisions and her actions are her own, not things I plan for or really have a lot of say in. Though, it should be noted, that she is just a creation of mine, and I am completely aware of that. I would rein her in if things got out of hand in one way or another, or became detrimental to game play, or anything like that. But, she's interesting because the character does and say things I wouldn't expect or wouldn't even think of. I've had characters (mostly deleted) that had similar concepts or similar bits of concepts, but it seems like this time everything just clicked together.
So, chances are good that none of my characters will be gaining notable levels within the near future.