Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Do They Know It's Christmas Dogs

Jingle Cats

Friday, December 21, 2007

Oranbega Island Pictures

This is unquestionably the coolest mission map I've ever seen. The mission comes from Mage Hunter Zahara... I think. I was going to look it up in ParagonWiki before I posted it, so I could let you know the exact name of the contact, the levels you can get it, all that important stuff. But. ParagonWiki is down at the moment, so that's all the information I can give. It's CoV, and if I had to guess, I would say the contact is levels 40-45. If you get the chance, take it, or go along with someone else. No, there's no badge, but it's more than worth it. I'm going to post entirely too many pictures, but it's just that cool.

This is Lilitu. She's not exactly your friend in this mission, or even your ally. But she will kill enemies around the place where you set her free. She won't follow you. Probably, if you look at her wrong, she'll kill you anyway. This the only time it's safe... sort of... to get close to her.

Fyre and Will and the "boys," and the imps.


Story-wise, there's a lot of stuff going on. Mason's alive, E's awake. Tons of complications there. Jez and "B" have been busy. But, I don't feel like getting into any of that. So just look at the pretty pictures instead.

E and the boys, and an imp, in one of those fun Oranbega graphics glitches. And the bubbles.

Okay, what's wrong with this picture? (Hint: the Lasher has a book.)

I would duck if Jez came after me, too.

Fyre in Peregrine Island. She almost looks calm and peaceful. Except for the flaming eyes.

Inside the one of the missions in the Natural origin Atlas mini-arc.

Atlas Park, in Recluse's and Aeon's perfect future, in Statesman's Task Force.

Fyre and that damned Arachnos Flyer.

Oh hai!

Blood Crucible iz in ur warehouse, stealin ur hurricanes... Okay. I'll stop now.

Troll party in the Hollows. And why can't we sit like that?

Jez, after killing a Banished Pantheon mask.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

More YouTube

I'm too tired for a real, productive post, and I forgot this one last time. This one's not game-related.

The End of Ze World
Warning: Language not suitable for children/work.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Videos and Links

They took down the servers in the middle of the afternoon to fix an issue where Tankers created before i5, who have never respec'ed, lost Taunt. How can you have never respeced since ED? Anyway... Since play-time was interrupted-- /em runs off to check the server status page
Oh, right. Links.

In fact, I'll save you a trip on the YouTube ones. I'm not posting the Dance Gun, or the Boom one, or the real well known ones, because you've probably already seen them. But here are some others.

This one's old, but still one of my faverites. Partly for the song, but the video itself is just good.

These next three are absolutely the best editted videos I've seen. The amount of time that must have went into them boggles the mind. The first is supposed to be the first that was made, and the maker said the second two are much improved, but even the first is amazing.

Dies Irae

Princess of Dusk

Night Prayers

What if the City of Villains trailer was filmed on Freedom?

This was one of my favorite TV shows when I was a kid.

Paragon's Greatest Hero

Short, but good.
Paragon Television

This isn't a video, but it's funny, anyway. Makes me think of Rosie and her love of history.
World War II as PvP

I've never taken a name straight from here, but it helps spur ideas, at least.
Seventh Sanctum Name Generators

Mo's name came partly from here. It's impossibe to read unless you select it all, or get rid of the background.
Dictionary of Faery Names

In case your villains need inspiration:
Peter's Evil Overlord List

And finally, the anti-Lolcats (warning, language not suitable for children):
My Cat Hates You

Random Updates

Real life has been hectic the past few days, to say the least, so updating the blog has not been at the top the priorities, though previous to the... hecticness, I had a post planned. This isn't that post, because I can't remember a bit of it. So how about some random updates instead?

My reverse-altitis is cured. Obsydian Fyre (level 43 Warshade) is no more. Also, Ellianne Sylvanie (level 25 archery/energy blaster) is gone. In their places are Jez Cavell (level 19 DB/WP scrapper) and Harmony Hex (level 10 sonic/sonic defender).

Jez is named after a famous woman in "espionage," Edith Cavell, a British nurse during World War I who helped Allied soldiers escape German occupied Belgium. Jez Cavell is, of course, not her real name. She's not shy about that fact, but she hasn't revealed any of her past or even her purpose for being in Paragon. I have a short introductory story in mind, but I haven't had the time or the level of concentration needed to work on it. Hopefully, things will calm down and I'll get to it. Her partner is Blood Crucible (a.k.a. $target), Vagz's DB/WP. Play-wise, they're going to be awesome in one more level, when Quick Recovery comes into play. Character-wise, they don't necessarily get along. There's probably no real reason why they would work together. That may be easing up some, though it might be too soon to tell. Jez is not happy-go-lucky. Not in the least. She is sarcastic, bitter, gritty, and burned-out. She's seen and done a lot of less than pleasant things. She doesn't like or trust magic, partly because she doesn't understand it. She can be very cool and professional when the situation calls for it, and she has no problem with lying when necessary.

Harmony has very little background, other than with all the scrappers and tanks running around with i11, I wanted to play something different. Even though Mo's secondary is sonic, that set may as well not even be there at this point (level 28), and I haven't had much of a chance to play with the sonic primary before. Harmony is a college student, who is heroing on the side, without the knowledge of her parents, who both have powers. That's about it, other than I'm attempting to play her as happy and perky, though she's mostly been on non-RP-PuGs, so I haven't done much with that, and it's fine with me if that trend keeps up.

I've been PuGing blaster-Fyre for influence, and now to play with the Defiance changes. And, I've never made a secret of the fact that I have fun just blowing s**t up. *shrug* Some things are just that simple.

Poor red-side Will and Fyre. They've been completely neglected since i11. They probably needed the break, though. Things have been intense since it was discovered that Styrm is loose, and since they've moved on to Grandville and the situation has become more dangerous. Fyre tried to pull a Lassie on Will (You know, where Lassie's temporary companion pretends to be angry with her so she'll leave and continue her search for her real owner? Or was that Benji? Whichever. Also seen in movies where someone has to set the wild animal free even though it's become a tame pet.). After a disastrous Arachnoid mission, she told him he was going to become a liability, and he couldn't keep up with the tougher demands of the more dangerous things that would be asked of them in Grandville. When that didn't make much of a dent, she attempted to add that she was just tired of him and didn't want him around anymore. She was incredibly transparent, and Will didn't buy it for a minute. She does want him safe, though, and if that meant that she'd never see him again, she'd take the deal. She cares about Will even more than she's let on, I think. Her personality even changes when it's just the two of them. She's softer, quieter, more patient. He's definitely a calming influence on her. A permanent loss of Will would most certainly be a bad thing for her. But probably a very good thing for the demon and Katherine.

With the trip to see Masonry at the asylum, Fyre had asked Will to go with her. Not for protection, but specifically to keep her from killing Masonry. Instead of making her angry, though, Mason succeeded only in letting her see how pathetic he really was (is). She hadn't though of him much before, and she never thought of him much after. The last thing she said to him, "I hope you live a long, long life, Masonry. And every minute you live, I hope you remember everything you've done, and think about what you could have had, if you didn't ruin it," was pretty much her last word on the subject of Masonry. However, now that we know he's been resurrected (which, I lost the bet. I had two months or more before he lived again, in the pool. Darn.), if and/or when Fyre finds out that he's made an attempt at hurting E, she's going to have... things to think about, let's say.