This is long. I've been slacking.

Here, proof that we really did get xp when Khyro died. We weren't joking!

Derick Darklight and Hex Raven. Except for Raven's endurance problems, and her accuracy problems, and her recent toxic damage problems... Wait, let me think... No, okay, I
am having fun with her. Honestly. Her character, at least. She has a memory that goes back approximately three months. She knew absolutely nothing before that, so she's had to learn everything. She's learned to speak (
note to self: no slang!), learned to interact with people, learned all sorts of things that we take for granted. She's innocent, a little naive, and she'll often take things literally. One of the things I've noticed: I'll look a sentence she's said, and it will
look incredibly sarcastic, but it's exactly the opposite.

Circle of Thorns with guns. If that's not cheating, I don't know what is.

Blaze Shock and some nifty looking robot guy. She's a fire/electric brute on Freedom. She doesn't get much play because she makes Raven's endurance problems look like a joke, AND she's on Freedumb. Mercy Island on Freedom is almost unbelievable. It was like someone fed a bunch of kindergartners Kool-Aid laced with crystal meth and set them loose. I'm hoping it was just a bad night, but I'm afraid it was the normal course of things.

I just liked this picture of Fyre and Will.

I did Statesman's TF on a PuG again. Only, this time, we finished. Unbelievably. Unbelievable not because we had a bad team, unbelievable because it's freakin' hard. I won't go through why it's so hard, or what you have to do. But, we did break while our stone tank
tanked 2 level 54 AV's for about 20 minutes. The rest of the team ran to Siren's Call to get Shivans. In this picture there are 5 Shivans, brought out to fight Captain Mako.

Fyre, taking out the Arachnos Flyer. For the second time.

Trolls in lurve!

Those are not Fyre's exes.

Another picture of Fyre and Will. Aren't they cute? Seriously, they're cute. Strange, huh? The heroes have all the angsty "relationships," and the villains have the nice, normal cute ones. For now. And, this picture is on the hero side... And did I mention the "for now" part?

"I didn't do it."

Ah, the maphole. Or whatever it is. Note Keen's flexing inside his disco ball.

Hmm... maybe Fyre really is forming an army to go after Masonry, like he ranted in his paranoid delusions of grandeur?
(Note: She's NOT. It's a joke to go with the picture, NOT a storyline. It has nothing to do with the storyline. A joke. Maybe not a fantastically funny one, but just a joke. The actual funny part was the spider playing leap-frog with the Mu to keep up with whoever he was following. He was fickle, he followed Fyre most of the mission, but in the last five minutes, followed Will and kept trying to jump over the mercenaries. Most of the mission, Fyre had an Arachnos army following her around, which was funny, too. But you weren't there, so you got the Masonry joke instead. Just so everyone is clear!)

I like sunset pictures. Even sunsets over the Zig look pretty.

Another PuG TF. This one was Faathim the Kind's TF. Blaze now has all the Shard TFs. Yay? Anyway, this is Lanaruu the Mad, and yes, the tiny little rock figure at his... feet is a stone tank.